Geosynthetics CQA image - seam inspection

For 15+ years, engineers have come to Austin, Texas in April to attend geosynthetics CQA training courses hosted by TRI Environmental. This year, some are wondering where this well-respected course will be, as a traditional CQA Week has not been announced. This is because a new event is taking place in Austin–one that offers the same two-day geosynthetics CQA training course and certification (GCI-ICP) opportunity that engineers seek.

Same geosynthetics CQA course & curriculum. Same instructors. 


GeoU 2020 will be held 7 – 10 April 2020 at the Sonesta Bee Cave Austin Hotel. The event co-locates four complementary engineering courses on April 8 and 9, including the well-known QA/QC of Geosynthetic and Compacted Clay Lining Systems course, which will again be team taught by Mark Sieracke, P.E., Dr. Jeffrey Kuhn, P.E., and Sam Allen. The optional GCI-ICP exam will be held on the morning of April 10. Reminder: GCI-ICP requires a proxy fee paid to the event and additional pre-registration with the Geosynthetic Institute (GSI).

The other three concurrent courses:

Landfill Design Considerations in the Age of Sustainable Development
Instructors: Dr. George Koerner, P.E. and Abigail Gilson, MS, P.E.
Optional certification exam included. (Exam on April 10 in the morning.)

Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil Structure Design and Construction: Slopes, Walls and Roads
Instructor: Michael Bernardi, P.E.
Optional certification exam included. (Exam on April 10 in the morning.)

Geosynthetics in Stormwater Controls and Hydraulic Engineering
Instructor: C. Joel Sprague, P.E.
Optional certification exam included. (Exam on April 10 in the morning.)

For those not seeking a certification, a special Marketing in the Geosynthetics Field half-day short course will be offered on April 10 during the certification window.

RELATED: 5 Ways GeoU 2020 Is Different

Photo of Geosynthetics CQA on a landfill installation


GeoU 2020’s two-day QA/QC of Geosynthetic and Compacted Clay Lining Systems combines the education annually updated for what TRI has traditionally presented as back-to-back single-day courses. Those coursesConstruction QA/QC for Geosynthetic Installations and Contruction QA/QC for Compacted Clay and Geosynthetic Clay Lining Systems–have always been designed to build upon one another. As such, for their inclusion at GeoU, they are being taught under a single QA/QC banner.

The course is designed specifically for those who need a detailed understanding of proper CQC and CQA procedures at waste containment facilities. The curriculum provides ideal preparation for the Geosynthetic Certification Institute’s Inspectors Certification Program (GCI-ICP) exam. Attendees gain comprehensive understanding of:

  • Preparing CQC/CQA plans
  • Reviewing CQC/CQA plans
  • Performing CQC/CQA observations and tests
  • Reviewing field CQC/CQA procedures

Day 1 (April 8) focuses on installation of geomembranes, geotextiles, geocomposites, geogrids, and geo-appurtenances. It includes discussion of geomembrane seaming and seam peel and shear testing. Day 2 (April 9) focuses on the installation of compacted clay and geosynthetic clay liners (GCLs). Special emphasis will be given to establishing rationale and standard operating procedures for field inspections, documentation of test and visual observations, and implementation of CQA plans.

A broad appreciation for the manufacture and installation of containment facility materials will be provided. Additionally, a tour of TRI’s Geosynthetic Testing and Research Laboratories will support class curriculum through test demonstrations, details on some TRI internal R&D projects, and discussion of other relevant topics. That tour will take place on the evening of April 8 and be followed by dinner in the area, sponsored by TRI Environmental. Bus transportation will provided. Learn more about the networking opportunities on April 7, 8, and 9.

GCI – ICP Certification Exams (Optional) – April 10

Geosynthetics CQA training students are allowed to sit for the Geosynthetic Certification Institute – Inspectors Certification Program (GCI-ICP) exams. All exam-interested students MUST REGISTER with the Geosynthetic Institute (GSI) and pay GSI’s certification fee before the test. TRI does NOT collect this fee. Contact GSI (+1 610 522 8440) for more information.


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