Geosynthetics International is now published only on-line, effective this calendar year (2003).
The IGS has entered into an arrangement with Thomas Telford, the new publisher of Geosynthetics International, to make this journal available to all IGS members, as part of the IGS membership (without increasing the IGS membership fee). At the same time, the Journal is available to non-IGS members and libraries for a fee.
Change, but also continuity: in agreement with the IGS, the same Editors and the same Editorial Board Chairman will serve, along with the same Editorial Board. However, due to the change in publisher, Karina McInnis is no longer Technical Editor of Geosynthetics International (but she is still serving our discipline as Editor of this newsletter). She deserves much of the credit for the reputation of high quality of the Journal. The same commitment to quality can be expected from Thomas Telford’s experienced staff, in particular Leon Heward-Mills, Journals Publisher, and Tony Donegan, in charge of production and the main point of contact for authors.
Authors of papers should understand that the impact factor (a factor used to evaluate technical journals) of the Journal will not be diminished by being a solely electronic journal. In fact, the outstanding reputation of the Geosynthetics International can only increase as the number of subscribers grows. Equally important, the Journal will continue to be abstracted and indexed in all the major journal citation services. Authors of papers will also appreciate that, with the electronic format, turn-around times from submission of manuscripts to publication should be greatly reduced.
Thomas Telford is well known worldwide. As publishing arm of the British Institution of Civil Engineers, Thomas Telford has access to 60,000 members around the world. As a result, Geosynthetics International will be heavily promoted and a broader readership than in the past can be expected. With more than 2,000 subscribers, Geosynthetics International is already one of the most widely distributed journals in civil engineering.
Starting with Volume 10 (year 2003), the papers can be downloaded as pdf files from the Thomas Telford website ( You can log on to the Thomas Telford website for instructions, and we encourage you to try immediately. Each volume, starting with Volume 10, will also be available on CD for a fee. In addition, all papers in the previous issues of the Journal (Volumes 1 through 9) will be available as pdf files from the IGS website (
Geosynthetics International and the International Geosynthetics Society are very pleased to bring this significant benefit to IGS members, thereby contributing to the primary goal of the IGS, which is to disseminate technical information on geosynthetics and their applications.