Minna Leppänen, Tampere University of Technology
Minna Leppänen, Tampere University of Technology

The third in a series of four two-day seminars on geosynthetics in Helsinki, Finland attracted about 40 attendees to the Finnish EPA (SYKE) auditorium on 24 and 25 March. The topic was GCLs and Liner CQA. Chairperson was Minna Leppänen of Tampere Technical Institute and President of the new Finnish Chapter of IGS, the Finnish Environmental Agency, and the Finnish Geotechnical Society. Guest lecturers were Helmut Zanzinger (SKZ, Germany) and Ian D. Peggs (I-CORP INTERNATIONAL, USA). The complete program included:


  • “Geosynthetic clay layers, alias GBR-C” – Minna Leppänen, Tampere University of Technology
  • “What actually is bentonite actually?” – Sirpa Kumpulainen, B+Tech Oy
  • “Quality Control Methods and Long-Term Durability of Geosynthetic Clay Liners” – Helmut Zanzinger, SKZ-TeConA GmbH
  • “Short Presentation on SKZ Activities” – Helmut Zanzinger
  • “Specifications for Clay Mats and Limitations Caused by Service Environment” – Minna Leppänen
  • “How to specify? Greetings from the importers” – Harri Sara, Oy ViaPipe Ab and Tomi Neva, Kaitos Oy
  • “Case Histories of GCLs” – Ian D. Peggs, I-CORP INTERNATIONAL, Inc.
SKZ’s Helmut Zanzinger
Helmut Zanzinger, SKZ


  • “Landfill Projects” – Juha Vesterberg FCG Oy
  • “QC/QA moves like a train” – Minna Leppänen
  • “CQC/CQA of Geomembranes and GCLs” – Ian D. Peggs
  • “QC/QA as Seen from Different Project Parties” – Client/Developer Perspective: Ari-Pekka Heikkilä, Metsäliitto Oy; Environmental Regulator: Marketta Kujala, Etelä-Pohjanmaan ELY-keskus, ympäristövastuualue; Designer and contractor – Tommi Itkonen, Pöyry; Material supplier – Tomi Neva; Supervisor: Minna Leppänen)
  • “Case Histories of Geomembranes” – Ian D. Peggs

Prior to the seminar Peggs visited the Ammassuo Landfill where air space was made by blasting rock, where rock faces were lined with studded concrete protection liner, and where tunnels under the waste were constructed for leachate, gas, and clean-out service lines. The landfill is operated by YTV, Helsinki and Construction Manager Mauri Uusihakala has not been afraid to apply new technologies, just as N.C. Vasuki was not afraid to do the same thing at Delaware Solid Waste Authority was. Unfortunately, Mr. Uusihakala retires soon so it is hoped that his successor will have a similar philosophy.

In the evening of 25 March Peggs was invited to attend the 60th anniversary celebration of the Finnish Geotechnical Society. It was an opportunity to catch up with colleagues Hans Rathmeyer (retired), Peter Brandt (ViaPipe), Anton Palolahti (Sito), and Vesa Tompere (ex-Kaitos).

The fourth event, on reinforcement geosynthetics will be held in April. Contact Minna Leppänen (minna.leppanen@tut.fi) for more information.

Ian D. Peggs, P.E., P.Eng, Ph.D., is president of I-CORP INTERNATIONAL, Inc., www.geosynthetic.com. He can be reached at icorp@geosynthetic.com.