GIGSA - GeosyntheticsThe Geosynthetics Interest Group of South Africa (GIGSA) seeks nominations for its next committee. The current terms end 10 Novembe 2010 during the annual general meeting of GIGSA, which is the International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) South Africa chapter. GIGSA seeks 10 new member nominees before 8 October 2010. If more than 10 nominees are accepted, an online election will be held.

Only GIGSA members (benefactors and individual members) may submit nominations, and nomination forms must be signed by the nominator.

GIGSA is a non-profit organization dedicated to the scientific and engineering development of geosynthetics and associated technologies in South Africa.

Download the election information and nomination document here (PDF).

For more information on the association’s activities and to read its quarterly newsletter, visit


Joanne Smit
+27 11 974 1397
Fax +27 11 974 8731