Global Synthetics

TailingCap_AceGridAustralia-based Global Synthetics has released its latest edition of GeoNews, a regular publication that highlights geosynthetic projects and affiliated engineering and construction issues within the company’s markets. The October 2013 issue includes project stories on:

  • Use of geotextile and geogrid materials in tailings platform and capping work
  • The utilization of a coated GCL (Bentofix® X) for a landfill capping project in Western Australia
  • A field trial to demonstrate geogrid suitability for construction site access a nd stability in New South Wales
  • Flood mitigation in western Queensland

Additionally, the company reports on its new 5,000 m2 premises and upcoming event interaction and presentation.
Reminder: November/December Roads Seminars
Global Synthetics is also a key sponsor of a seminar series across Australia in November and December. Expert speakers include Dr. Steve Perkins (Montana State University, USA) and Jorg Klompmaker (BBG, Germany).

Topic: “The Use of Geosynthetics in Paved and Unpaved Roads”

  • Perth, November 29
  • Brisbane, December 2
  • Sydney, December 4
  • Melbourne, December 6
  • Auckland, December 10

Learn more about the seminar series, download other issues of GeoNews, read stories, and more at