As of May 3, 2004, GRI-GM18 is temporarily suspended.
The durability portion of this generic specification on flexible polypropylene geomembranes has come into question insofar as oxidation induction time values are concerned. OIT testing has proven to be an excellent precursor of polyethylene lifetime such that a relatively quick and standardized test is being used in this regard. It is apparently more difficult for fPP due in part that colors in addition to black complicate the situation making it difficult to set generic specification limits.
Flexible polypropylene (fPP) research is ongoing in this regard. Candidate immersion methods are ultraviolet light exposure, oven aging, and water immersion. Initial testing will be Xenon Arc ultraviolet light exposure per ASTM D4355. Please contact any of the following for comments and/or questions in this regard: Robert M. Koerner –, George R. Koerner –, Y. Grace Hsuan –