Multiple financial news outlets are reporting that geosynthetics manufacturer GSE, which was acquired by private equity giant CHS Capital seven years ago, intends to file an initial public offering (IPO) with the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) worth up to $144 million.

The filing with the US Securities and Exchange Commission indicates that Jefferies and Oppenheimer & Co would underwrite the offering and that GSE would seek to be listed under the symbol “GSE.”

Gundle/SLT Environmental, Inc. (GSE) is a leading manufacturer and marketer of geosynthetic lining products and services with a worldwide presence in agriculture, aquaculture, canals, civil engineering, golf courses, mining, power, stormwater retention, waste containment, wastewater, and other industrial applications. Products from GSE include geomembranes, geosynthetic clay liners, geonets, geocomposites, nonwoven geotextiles, and concrete protection liners.

Based in Houston, Texas, GSE has manufacturing and sales offices in the United States, Canada, Chile, Germany, United Kingdom, Thailand, and Egypt. GSE is a subsidiary of GEO Holdings Corp. owned by Code Hennessy & Simmons IV L.P.