Geo-U Webinars on Retaining Wall Failures - Wall RemediationThe Geosynthetic Institute (GSI) has a strong background in providing education and resources on all types of geosynthetics; but GSI is particularly versed in retaining wall-related education. The monthly GSI Webinars are presented on the second Wednesday of a month. The next offering (November 9, 11:30 am – 1:00 pm (EST)) will focus on “MSE Wall Remediation and Monitoring.”
This particular webinar is the third in a series of mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) systems using geosynthetic reinforcement.  The previous two focused on GSI’s extensive database of wall failures and design of back drainage. The four-part MSE education block will conclude in December with a presentation on Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) Wall, Berm and Slope Construction Inspection.
Webinar Cost
GSI Members – $200.00
Non GSI Members  – $250.00
The education is worth 1.5 PDHs (providing completion of a 10-question multiple choice test).
Register for the webinar online


By Robert Koerner, GSI Director Emeritus – The GSI data base of failed MSE walls indicates that 44 out of 171 failures with geosynthetic reinforcement were caused by excessive deformation.  Of these 44, 25 of them were remediated before they actually collapsed.  This webinar presents methods of mechanical strengthening the deformed walls (using ground anchors, rock bolts or soil nailing) and also the potential of using dewatering methods (using horizontal drains, pumped vertical wells and combined systems).
The webinar then presents details of ten of the remediated walls.  All of them were remediated using mechanical strengthening.  Within the group were ground anchors (5), soil nails (4) and rebuilding (1).  The cost of the remediations varied from 1.05 times the original cost to 3.50 times.  The rebuild case history was 4.66 times the original cost.
Monitoring of the original or remediated walls is suggested in the context of standard surveying, lazer/radar/lider methods, slope inclinometers, piezometers and/or continuous deformation gauges.  Each will be illustrated.  Criteria on allowable wall deformation at the end of construction concludes the webinar.
Register for the webinar online
Learn more about the Geosynthetic Institute and its resources and activities at
View other webinars from GSI’s Bob Koerner at