By Robert M. Koerner – The Geosynthetic Institute (GSI) will host its twelfth in a series of monthly GSI Webinars on May 14 (11:30 am – 1:00 pm EDT). The topic: “Landfill Closures: Past-Present-Emerging.”
Participants will be able to assess past landfill cover practices and gain comparisons to present practice as required by the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency through RCRA and Superfund regulations. That said, these regulations are ca. 25-years old and have not been updated insofar as geosynthetics are concerned. This leaves individual states to implement current practices. The implementation of drainage geocomposites and geosynthetic clay liners are noteworthy in this regard.
Most interesting are emerging cover concepts such as exposed geomembrane covers, solar panel coverings, artificial turf coverings and myriad post-closure beneficial uses such as:
- golf courses and driving ranges
- other sport related uses
- facilities with transient loads
- facilities with permanent loads
- outdoor artworks/sculpture parks
Specific Topics, Landfill Closures
- 1.0 Concept and Goals
- 2.0 Past Practices
- 3.0 Present Status
- 4.0 Emerging Final Covers
- 5.0 Summary and Conclusions
Webinar Benefits
Crazy Horse Landfill has the largest-scale ClosureTurf installation to date.
Understand the historical advancements from past-to-emerging landfill closure methodologies - Understand the basic elements of a final closure system
- Understand related technical issues such as settlement, gas collection, exposed geomembrane lifetime, barrier material idiosyncrasies, etc.
- Understand the status and scope of abandoned and/or closed landfills
- Become familiar with the myriad uses of such landfills in a generally beneficial manner
- Appreciate that such usage goes beyond technical issues in that transference, regulatory, legal and public acceptance issues must also be addressed
Intended Audiences
Public and private owners/operators of landfills, heap leach pads, shale gas cuttings, combustion coal residuals and related solid waste facilities; consultants and designers in the public and private sector; regulators and agency personnel at the federal, state and local levels; geosynthetic manufacturers and their representatives; geotechnical and geosynthetic testing organization personnel; contractors and installers of liner and cover systems; academic and research groups; and others desiring technically related information on this important aspect of our constructed environment.
About the Instructor
Dr. Robert M. Koerner’s (Professor Emeritus of Civil Engineering at Drexel University and Director Emeritus of the Geosynthetic Institute) interest in geosynthetics spans over thirty years of teaching, research, writing and advising. He holds his Ph.D. in Geotechnical Engineering from Duke University. He is a registered Professional Engineer in Pennsylvania, a Distinguished Member of ASCE, a Diplomate of the GeoInstitute and a member of the National Academy of Engineering. Bob has authored and co-authored about 650 papers on geosynthetics and geotechnical topics in journals and at national and international conferences. His most widely used publication is the sixth edition of the textbook entitled “Designing with Geosynthetics”. He is the founding director of the Geosynthetic Institute which is a nonprofit research and development organization dedicated to the proper use of geosynthetics in its myriad applications. The institute also provides laboratory accreditation and inspection certification programs.