11 November 2010 – HescoNews.com–an online portal for warfighters, military leaders, first responders, and emergency management officials seeking information about barrier protection against enemy threats and natural disasters–today released a video of American workers who help make the HESCO Bastion products protecting warfighters overseas.

The video features employees of Propex in Chattanooga, Tennessee. As a HESCO Bastion partner, Propex makes the geotextile lining for HESCO Bastion Concertainer® units. These Concertainer units, commonly known as HESCO barriers, are used around the globe for force protection, flood protection and erosion control. HESCO Bastion Concertainer units have become the most popular means within the military of protecting personnel and facilities against secondary fragmentation, saving countless lives and protecting mission-critical assets.

Many Propex employees are themselves veterans or have loved ones serving overseas. In the video, these employees express their pride in helping to make a product that protects American and allied troops serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. The video is available online at www.HescoNews.com and on YouTube at www.youtube.com/HescoNews.

The www.HescoNews.com website includes a variety of information, such as:

  • Warfighter testimonials from troops in the field who have used HESCO Bastion products
  • News articles featuring the force protection capabilities of HESCO Bastion products
  • Video of HESCO Bastion products being used in a variety of contexts
  • Examples of HESCO in the United States, where U.S. licensee HESCO Bastion USA markets HESCO Bastion products for civilian uses
  • Examples of HESCO Bastion products protecting people, places and property around the world

SOURCE HescoNews.com