“We will all miss Ron. He was a great friend and a fount of practical knowledge. He knew more about the manufacturing and performance of all geosynthetics than most of the rest of us put together. And he put geosynthetics together in composite form like none of the rest of us. He would share his knowledge with anyone. He was a master of boot-strapping equipment and would coax years of production out of equipment that most of us would have given up on long ago. I spent a memorable few days at GeoComp many years ago monitoring the production of an RPP/geotextile composite for an Oak Ridge landfill cap. Practical discussion went freely back and forth as we both tried to produce the best possible product, with no fear of him trying to slip even marginally unacceptable material out of the door.
As the future growth of geosynthetics becomes strongly dependent upon geocomposites we will find that much of the groundwork was laid by Ron.”