IECA Region OneThe International Erosion Control Association Region One (IECA)  has formed a Canadian chapter. The association is setting the chapter up to serve as Canada’s “essential educational and networking resource for stormwater management, erosion and sediment control and stream protection and restoration.”
“We believe that the large and diverse community in Canada will find value and benefits in the IECA programs and initiatives,” said IECA Executive Director Sharan Wilson, who was appointed to the organization’s top leadership position in January 2016.
Beyond educational endeavors, the Canadian chapter will also advocate on behalf of the country’s erosion and sediment control and stormwater industries.


The inaugural leadership for the Canadian Chapter includes:

  • Glenn MacMillan, C.E.T. – President
  • Harry Reinders – Vice President
  • Mark Myrowich, CPESC, CISEC – Treasurer
  • Ron D. Bisaillon, Jr. – Secretary
  • Mr. Trent R. Hatfield – Provincial Representative
  • Timothy M. Egler-Wiome, B. Eng – Provincial Representative
  • Robert G. Wills, CISEC – Provincial Representative
  • Giles Rivard – Provincial Representative
  • Jamie P. McCamon, Environmental Tech – Provincial Representative

Many of these members will be at Environmental Connection 2017 (February 21 – 24, Atlanta). Learn more about and register for the event.


IECA welcomes the opportunity to be present in Canada and looks forward to exploring partnership in other regions and continents. IECA recognizes the importance of collaboration and idea-sharing between members in U.S. territory, Canada and international members to strengthen the erosion and sediment control, stormwater industry as it moves toward universal knowledge.
Learn more about IECA chapters, membership, events, and opportunities at