The final day in Dallas, Texas for the International Erosion Control Association (IECA) conference (EC10) was, as one might expect, fairly quiet. But it gave us a bit more time to follow up on conversations from those first couple days of early-morning-through-evening meetings. Also, many of the attendees who spent the previous days in sessions spent a good amount of time finally walking the exhibit hall floor with their conference bags to collect samples and literature.

IECA also helped arrange a lunch opportunity in the exhibit hall as the conference close at mid-day, which provided a welcomed calm to the closing up of exhibit booths (whereas so many shows pit the exhibitors against the logistics company in the final minutes, to the point that logistics company workers are often trying to take out your booth carpet and tables while you are still using the space to break things down).

Thanks are due to all those in the IECA who made this event possible: the organizers, the board, the presenters and, of course, the exhibitors. Your work is appreciated.

We look forward to working with you again…at EC11 in Orlando (20-23 February 2011).

Some shots from the closing morning:

Left: Quiana Cleveland, Greg Hearne and Chris Lewis of Propex.
Right: Diane Hitt of East Coast Erosion Blankets.

Left: Michael Liu and Derek Chiou from Hantec Solutions.
Right: Jay Vonderhaar of Hanes GeoComponents.

Left: Presto Geosystems
Right: A last look from the 27th floor restaurant and bar of the Hilton Anatole tower.

Thank you all for your hospitality in Dallas and for sharing so much of your time to talk to us about your work and products we will see emerge this year.


IECA – Day 1
IECA – Day 2

Chris Kelsey is the editorical director for Geosynthetica. He can be reached at