One of the hallmarks of the International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) is its truly international character. The IGS is supported by roughly 4000 members, 150+ corporate members, and 40+ chapters around the world. The IGS Council and its Officers provide a strong show of the international voices of the professional society. This character was once again on display in the most recent IGS Council election. Seventeen candidates representing 12 countries were up for election to 7 open positions.
Incoming IGS Council Members include:
- Dr. Laura Carbone (Germany)
- Francesco Fontana (Italy)
- Dr. Jacek Kawalec (Poland)
- Dr. Yoshihisa Miyata (Japan)
- Jabulile Msiza (South Africa)
- Dr. Timothy Stark (USA)
- Helmut Zanzinger (Germany)

Geosynthetica extends its congratulations to the newly elected members, who will each serve a four-year term, concluding in 2024.
The International Geosynthetics Society Council provides essential leadership to the organization. They help spur the development of chapters and conferences around the world; foster relationships with sister societies; manage funds that support world-leading geotechnical journals, provide education, and steer outreach measures that build the IGS and geosynthetics markets. It is an amazingly beneficial group.
The New Council
IGS Officers
President: Chungsik Yoo (Korea)
Vice President: Nathalie Touze (France)
Treasurer: Ian Fraser (United Kingdom)
Secretary: Edoardo Zannoni (South Africa)
Immediate Past President: Russell Jones (United Kingdom)
IGS Council
Dimiter Alexiew (Germany)
Sam Allen (USA)
Laura Carbone (Italy)
Jacques Cote (Canada)
Francesco Fontana (Italy)
Jie Han (USA)
Takeshi Katsumi (Japan)
Jacek Kawalec (Poland)
Preston Kendall (Australia)
Dr. Yoshihisa Miyata (Japan)
Jabulile Msiza (South Africa)
Pietro Rimoldi (Italy)
Dr. Timothy Stark (USA)
Helmut Zanzinger (Germany)
IGS Secretariat Manager: Terry Ann Paulo. For IGS Council contact information please visit