geotextile filtration materialsThe International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) has established multiple technical committees to facilitate even stronger exchange of information between its global members. The IGS Technical Committee on Filtration has issued its first report and set its leadership positions for 2015 – 2018.
As standards change and technologies improve, TCs like the filtration group provide a forum for connecting experts more frequently than the quadrennial society-wide and various regional conferences.
In its inaugural report, the TC Filtration reports that its past four years, led by Prof. Ennio Palmeira, have seen it:

  • Promote a sounder and scientifically based use of geotextiles in filtration.
  • Promote the dissemination of information on and expansion of the use of geotextile filters in geotechnical and geoenvironmental works.
  • Encourage and provide assistance to the organisation of national, regional and international scientific events on filtration.
  • Encourage and provide assistance to the organisation of educational initiatives (training courses, training lectures, etc.) and to produce educational material related to filtration.
  • Interact with other IGS committees to encourage the advancement of geotextile filters.
  • Work in conjunction with IGS Chapters and/or related geotechnical and civil/environmental engineering societies or organisations to promote the dissemination of information on and expansion of the use of geotextile filters.

During the 10th International Conference on Geosynthetics, the technical committee convened to summarize its 2011 – 2014 work and lay the foundation for its next phase. Key initiatives include developing stronger partnerships with other organizations and understanding how other organizations and government agencies interpret and utilize (or do not use) filtration geosynthetics. In example, the committee cited publications by the International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD) and the US-based Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
The TC’s leadership for 2015 – 2018 was also determined. It is as follows:

  • Chair: Kelvin R. Legge
  • Vice-chair: Sam Allen
  • Vice-chair: Eric Blond
  • Vice-chair: Nicola Moraci
  • Secretary: Preston Kendall

Follow updates at the IGS website,, and get information on membership in the society and how to join the committee.