IGS News
Young IGS Members gather with IGS Past Presidents and newly elected President Russell Jones

The International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) has published Vol 30, Issue 3 of the IGS News. The issue is one of the largest in the society’s history and contains a message from the newly elected IGS President Dr. Russell Jones, multiple stories from the 10th International Conference on Geosynthetics (10 ICG), IGS Council updates, international chapter reports, and much more.
In his opening column, Dr. Jones addresses the continued strong growth of the IGS, and how that growth has been achieved through greater activity of its members.
“There has been a great change to the operating units of the IGS over the last four years,” he writes. “We have seen the establishment of new Council Committees, Task Forces and Technical Committees and the work carried out by the members of these units has been incredible.”
IGS News
From S.J.M. van Eekelen, A. Bezuijen and A.F. van Tol’s abridged article, “Basal Reinforced Piled Embankments, Arching and Load-Deflection Behaviour.”

He provides a diagram of open committees, closed committees, and temporary and permanent groups.
Supporting this are contributions from Dr. Nathalie Touze-Foltz (Young IGS Members Contest), Irene N. Nyirenda (IGS Young Members Committee Chair), Elizabeth Peggs (IGS Secretary), and Chris Kelsey (Communications Committee member).
Chapter and event reports have been provided by Daniele Cazzuffi (IGS Italy), A. Kollios (IGS Greece), and A.C. Gupta (IGS India).
The issue gives a run down of IGS Award winners in 2014, outlines upcoming events under the IGS auspices, and includes an article from award-winners S.J.M. van Eekelen, A. Bezuijen and A.F. van Tol on “Basal Reinforced Piled Embankments, Arching and Load-Deflection Behaviour.”