IGS North America - Next Board of DirectorsQuick upon its announcement of a new Board-appointed Secretary and the addition of an outside management company’s services, IGS North America has issued the call for its next board. This is the International Geosynthetics Society’s (IGS) joint Canada-US chapter, one of 43 geosynthetics chapters around the world.
Members of IGS North America (formerly North American Geosynthetics Society) are encouraged to take part in the nomination process.


Five positions seek nominees for filling the IGS North America Board:

  • President Elect – two-year term, followed by two-year term as President, followed by two-year term as Past President
  • Treasurer – two-year term
  • Vice President (3) – Each of the three vice presidents serve a four-year term.

The Mission of IGS-NA is to provide leadership in advancing geosynthetics education and research to attain their appropriate and widespread use as engineering materials as the Chapter of the International Geosynthetic Society (IGS) for the United States of America and Canada.


  • 4 – 18 November 2016 – Call for Nominations
  • 1 December 2016 – Nominations Committee sends a slate of nominees to the Board for approval.
  • By the end of December 2016 – The Ballot is developed and made ready for distribution to the membership.
  • 1 – 27 January 2017 – Voting period on Candidates to be Board Officers and Board members.
  • 1 February 2017 – Successful Candidates notified and announcement made.
  • 12 – 15 March 2017 – Newly elected Board Members will take office at the next General Assembly of the IGS-NA to be held in Orlando Florida during Geotechnical Frontiers 2017.

Members interested in nominating themselves or fellowe IGS-NA members should contact info@IGS-NA.org.
If submitting a nomination, the chapter requests that you include the position sought for the nominee and the nominee name, title, company/institution affiliation, address, email, and phone number. A description of ~150 words on the nominee’s involvement in the geosynthetics industry and reason(s) for running for an IGS-NA seat should be included too.
IGS-NA requests a photo (head shot) of the nominee.
The Chairman of the IGS-NA Nomination Committee and Past-President Bob Mackey (bmackey@s2li.com) welcomes inquiries.
Learn more about IGS North America at www.igs-na.org.
Learn more about the International Geosynthetics Society at www.geosyntheticssociety.org.