IGS Young Members
The Young Members session at EuroGeo 5 in Valencia, Spain (September 2012) was a huge success. The 10 ICG gathering in Berlin offers another exceptional opportunity for young engineers to contribute to the global dialogue.

The International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) has issued a Call for Abstracts for its IGS Young Members Session. This special event, which recognizes contributions from IGS members aged 35 and younger, will be held at the 10th International Conference on Geosynthetics (10ICG), 21 – 25 September 2014 in Berlin, Germany (www.10icg-berlin.com).
Abstracts due: 15 February 2014.
10 ICG is being organized by the IGS German Chapter along with its co-located event partner, the German Geotechnical Society (DGGT). The DGGT will hold its “Forum for Young Geotechnical Engineers” on the same day as the IGS Young Members Session (September 23), as part of the DGGT’s 33rd Baugrundtagung (German Geotechnical Conference).
The official language of 10 ICG is English. The DGGT will offer simultaneous English translation for all of its sessions, making this one of the largest and most accessible geotechnical (and young geotechnical) events ever.


The International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) has shown steady and substantial growth in recent years, and the support of and contributions from its younger members has been important in this growth. The IGS encourages all members to take interest in this session. If you are a young IGS member—again, 35 years old or younger—submit a paper. If you are a member older than 35, encourage a young member to submit a paper of the session’s selection committee’s consideration.
Approximately 10 candidates will be selected to present during the Young Members Session. Each selected candidate will receive a certificate and will be invited to join the 10ICG, the Baugrundtagung, and the festive dinner at no fee.
Also, the best lecturer will have the opportunity to present his/her paper the next day in a plenary session.


  • Nominees must be IGS members in good standing
  • Nominees must not be older than 35 as of 10 ICG (21 – 25 September 2014)
  • Proof of one’s birth date is required
  • The nominee must be the first author of the paper
  • If a paper is selected, the nominee must be the presenter
  • Abstracts should be no more than 300 words

Abstracts are to be submitted by 15 February 2014.
NOTE: Qualifying members who have already submitted an abstract for the 10 ICG main program should mention the according number and resubmit it to this award procedure. Both evaluation processes will be performed in parallel. Papers submitted only for the IGS Young Members Session will not be considered for the main program of the 10 ICG.