Silhouette of person taking photo near water, orange sunset background

The International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) Young Members Committee develops special sessions at major events, organize group activities, and host a regular photo contest. The next photo contest opportunity invites image submissions of geosynthetics in action. ENTRIES ARE DUE SEPTEMBER 23.

The contest is open to Young Members in the field/lab/academia and for student members.

This competition is not just for bragging rights. Cash prizes are available, as is a registration to the 12th International Conference on Geosynthetics (12 ICG) in Rome, September 17 – 21, 2023 or GeoAmericas 2024 (April 28 – May 1, 2024) in Toronto.

The 2018 winning photo is seen below. More examples from the contest are available in the IGS Digital Library.

IGS Young Members Photo Contest 2018 Winner


“Images must clearly demonstrate or represent geosynthetic material or technology in use, without product branding. Entries must also be original images taken by the entrant since 2018 and not previously submitted to any other IGS photo competition,” the IGS writes in a post on its website.

First, Second, and Third Prize winners will be announced during GeoAsia 7 in Taipei, Taiwan (October 31 – November 4). Winners do not need to be present to receive the prize. The recipient of the top photo award from an IGS Young Member announced during GeoAsia 7 will get an additional $150 USD. The top IGS Student Member photo award winner will be offered a 12 ICG registration (Rome, September 2023) or a GeoAmericas 2024 (April 28 – May 1, 2024) registration in Toronto.

The prize money associated with each category will be split equally between personal compensation by gift voucher and a donation to a charity of the winner’s choice.

1st: $300 USD ($150 award/$150 donation)
2nd: $200 USD ($100/$100)
3rd: $150 USD ($75/$75)

An additional People’s Choice winner will also be announced from a public vote online.


Online submissions are accepted here:

To qualify, one must be an IGS member (Individual or Student) and be 35 years of age or younger on October 31, 2022.

Submissions should include:

  • Name, affiliation, age and email address of the entrant
  • IGS Member number (for members)
  • A maximum of 3 photos can be submitted per entrant
  • Photos should be in a JPG format, each no larger than 5 MB
  • Only original pictures taken by the entrant since 2018, that have not previously been submitted to another IGS Photo competition (including regional competitions) may be submitted
  • A photo title, short description, location and year taken must be included with each picture sent
  • Photos must be sharp, well focused and not enhanced in any way. Minor editing (e.g. contrast, exposure, white balance, cut) of the photos are allowed. However, physical changes to the scene (e.g. removing/ adding objects, misleading changes) are strictly prohibited. The judges may reject any photo that has been overly manipulated based on their sole discretion. No watermarks are allowed. The photos must clearly demonstrate or represent geosynthetic material or technology in use, without product branding.

DEADLINE: 23 September 2022

Learn more
Submit online


For questions about the IGS Young Members Photo Contest please contact