Written Portion
IAGI will score the written portion of the certification exam. The passing criteria as determined based on the data collected from the pilot test. The candidate will be notified of a pass/fail score. The actual scores will not be released to the candidate.
Hands-on Portion
The hands-on portion will be a pass/fail criteria based on industry accepted standards. The sample will be tested for peel and shear. The passing score for HDPE is determined by the specifications set by IAGI – see IAGI specification. The test value must exceed the standard and achieve film tear bond (FTB).
The VFPE/LLDPE score for passing seams was set by the IAGI Certification Committee. The values for 40-mil smooth VFPE/LLDPE are 50 lbs/inch for shear and 45 lbs/inch for peel. These values will be used until an industry accepted standard is produced. These numbers were the average of the numbers published by the manufacturers. Only 40-mil smooth can be used for VFPE/LLDPE hands-on section.
A third party testing lab, as approved by IAGI Board of Directors, will test these samples and the results will be sent to IAGI. The candidate must pass all samples to pass the hands-on portion of the test.
Passing the Test
The candidate must pass the written portion and the hands-on portion to become a Certified Welding Technician.