International Erosion Control AssociationDenver, Colo. – The International Erosion Control Association‘s membership voted to re-elect Charles R. Riling, Jr., and Brock Peters, CISEC to the Region One 2013 Board of Directors. Joining Riling and Peters to the 2013 Board of Directors is new board member Craig S. Benson.

Benson will begin his term on the Board of Directors in February alongside fellow members Beth Chesson, CPESC, CPSWQ, Julie Etra, MS, CPESC, Philip Handley, REM, CPESC, CESSWI, Ron Faucher, CPESC, Brock Peters, CISEC, Charles Riling, Jr., Tom Williams, MA, CPESC, and Gustavo Salerno, PE, CPESC.

Craig S. Benson, MS, has 25 years of professional experience in a wide variety of watershed management, ecological restoration, agro-ecological planning, erosion control, and forest improvement projects in the United States, West Africa, and South America. Over the last 12 years, an increasing portion of Craig’s work has included multiple aspects of stormwater management and NPDES permit compliance, particularly the development of watershed-scale Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) compliance plans, reach-scale Non-point Source Pollution Plans, County and municipal stormwater management plans (SWMPs) and site-scale stormwater pollution prevention plans (SWPPPs). Craig is currently the watershed coordinator for the Humboldt Bay/Mad River in Northern California and is working with multiple stakeholders to reduce sediment delivery to salmonid-bearing streams.

Craig has been a member of the IECA for over a decade and has served two terms on the Western Chapter IECA Board, holding the offices of President and Vice-President.

Brock Peters, CISEC, is an erosion and sediment control contractor and consultant with over thirty-five years of progressive accomplishments in the construction industry. As a current Board Member of IECA, Brock is Administrative Vice President and serves on the Professional Development Committee, and is currently serving a second term on the Board of the IECA Great Rivers Chapter.

Brock served eleven years on the Board of Directors of the Home Builders Association of Lincoln and four years on the Board of Directors of the Nebraska State Home Builders Association. He has been appointed several times by the National Association of Home Builders to serve on the Environmental Issues Committee.

As President of Point Source Environmental, and as a founding member of the Storm Water Awareness Network (SWAN), Brock creates curriculum for providing educational training for NPDES compliance to developers, builders, and trade contractors for the commercial and residential building industry as well as training related to linear construction projects.

Charles R. Riling, Jr. is a graduate of West Virginia Institute of Technology (WVIT) in Montgomery, WV. During his tenure in the Consultant Review Section, he established and developed the DOH’s policy for Section 404/401 permits and NPDES permits and established and continues to oversee the DOH’s Asbestos Inspection program. Charles has authored numerous general statewide specifications and project specifications and has re-written/modified the DOH’s Erosion and Sediment Control Manual on three occasions and is in the process of revising it for the fourth time.

For the past 14 years, Charles has worked in the Office of the State Highway Engineer as the Special Projects/Environmental Monitor. As Environmental Monitor, he fulfills the obligation on behalf of the WVDOH as set forth in Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) documents and Court Order Consent Agreements for a 100 mile, 4-lane highway in the mountainous regions of West Virginia (known as Corridor H).

Charles has been a member of IECA and its Mid-Atlantic Chapter (MAC) since 1997 and continues to serve on the MAC Board of Directors, currently as the 2nd Vice President and is in his second year as IECA’s Technical Vice President.

The IECA Region One Board of Directors is made up of nine members, each serving a three-year term. Board positions will be decided at the Board meeting to be held at Environmental Connection 2013, IECA’s annual conference and expo, February 10-13, 2013, in San Diego, CA, USA.

IECA would like to thank outgoing Board of Directors member Sandy Mathews, CPESC, for her years of dedication and service to the Association, specifically as Secretary to the Board. Thanks are also in order for previous Director Lee Johnson, CPESC, and Kevin Kent, CPESC for their candidacy for the Board positions.

About IECA

The International Erosion Control Association (IECA) is the world’s oldest and largest association devoted entirely to helping members solve the problems caused by erosion and its byproduct—sediment. Founded in 1972, IECA is a non-profit organization that serves as the premier global resource for the prevention and control of erosion. For more information about state-of-the-art educational events and materials, please visit our website at