Professional society and business newsletters are a fantastic way to keep current on international events. Geosynthetica, for example, grew out of I-CORP International’s 1990s newsletter Industry Insight.

In the past week, two interesting newsletters have come out.

Inside India

BCH NewsletterTechTex India is published by the Business Coordination House (BCH). Among its many activities, the BCH helps coordinate and present seminars, which at times include geotextiles in the fast-growing Indian market. In 2008, for example, BCH coordinated a one-day seminar titled “Geotextiles in India: What, Where and Why” in conjunction with the major Constru India 2008 construction conference.

BCH publishes a quarterly newsletter that is far-reaching in its contents. The current issue (April-June 2009) includes an article on page 35 on "Textiles for a Built Environment." This includes a section on landscaping materials, such as root barriers, soil stabilization materials, and greenroof support.

Inside Geo

IGS NewsThe March 2009 issue of the International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) News has also been released. The IGS is the only global society for geosynthetics professionals. Now with more than 30 chapters, the IGS is involved with events and recognition programs in a truly international fashion.

IGS News is a semi-annual publication containing chapter reports, event recaps, course announcements, etc. Highlights of the March issue include reports from RemTech, Geosynthetics 2009, and "Lifetime of Geosynthetics"; a German draft on geosynthetic reinforcement recommendations; a call for IGS Council candidates; and much more.

We encourage all of geosynthetica’s readers to follow IGS News and to join IGS. It remains one of the most affordable professional memberships you’ll find.


Business Co-Ordination House

International Geosynthetics Society

Chris Kelsey is the editorial director for He can be reached at