Lead Retrieval with GeoAmericas 2016 and iCaptureThe organizers of GeoAmericas 2016 have announced a partnership with the company iCapture to provide lead retrieval badge-scanning service for exhibitors at the 3rd Pan-American Conference on Geosynthetics. The system utilizes unique QR codes on badges to deliver names, company affiliations, contact information, prioritization fields, note fields, and more.
The lead retrieval program works on iOS and Android smartphones and tablets, making it an efficient, easy-to-implement solution for using anywhere during the conference.
All badge information is pre-configured in the GeoAmericas/iCapture database, so scanning creates instantaneous contacts, whether the user is connected to wifi or cellular data service at the time. After the conference concludes, companies may download the information in spreadsheets for follow-up networking.
Furthermore, each lead connection is time stamped and includes a device identifier, so companies will be able to match leads with the right team member.
Access to this show-specific tool is being offered for just $99.
Learn more and view a demo at: