Low Impact Development Symposium

Low Impact Development - ASCE-EWRIThe American Society of Civil Engineers’ (ASCE) Environmental & Water Resources Institute (EWRI) has announced a number of short course opportunities during the Low Impact Development (LID) Symposium. The 2013 International LID Symposium will be held 18-21 August 2013 in Saint Paul, Minnesota.
ASCE-EWRI is currently promoting the following the courses for the event:
Morning Session Short Courses

  • Extensive Green Roof Design for Civil/Stormwater Engineers*
  • Introduction to LID*
  • Permeable Pavement Performance and Design Recommendations*
  • Rainwater Harvesting for Stormwater Management Benefits*

Afternoon Session Short Courses

  • Advances in Design and Monitoring to Improve Green Infrastructure Performance*
  • Community Stormwater Response to a Changing Landscape and Climate: Identifying Barriers and Opportunities for Adaptation
  • Green Highways and Green Streets*
  • Incorporating LID into Municipal Programs*
  • Operation and Maintenance of LID Practices to Maintain Long Term Performance*

NOTE: * Denote official ASCE Short Courses.
Short course registration is available directly through the LID Symposium website.


The 2013 International Low Impact Development (LID) Symposium is being hosted in the Midwestern United States through a collaborative effort between many states, universities, and organizations. From the Great Lakes to the Mississippi Watershed, every state in the Midwestern United States is addressing urban water quality issues from combined sewer overflows to stormwater runoff. The 2013 International LID Symposium will bring together over 1,000 professionals to share their research, implementation, policy, financing, and education strategies to build and restore cities while protecting our environment.