Middle East Plastic Pipes 2010The deadline for sending an offer of a paper at Middle East Plastic Pipes 2010 is fast approaching. Please send a short summary and speaker name to me before 15th November 2009 at sh@amiplastics.com.

Middle East Plastic Pipes 2010 will be held from 17-19 May 2010 at the JW Marriott Hotel in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. There is a welcome reception and registration on the first evening followed by a two day programme of international technical and market papers. For more information please see the web site at:



We are looking for expert speakers on the use of plastics pipes in the Middle East – Africa region. Please consider sharing your expertise and local knowledge from specification and installation of pipelines to production and quality control. All applications of pipe are of interest including desalination plants, gas and water, sewerage and drainage, cooling and heating systems. From academic research to case studies on pipes, and details of markets in the region, all offers of papers are welcome. Speakers attend the conference free of charge.

If you would like to give a 25 minute PowerPoint presentation at this conference, please send a short summary to me.

I look forward to hearing from you before the deadline of 15 November 2009.

If you just want to attend, exhibit or sponsor, please contact Adele Brown by email ab@amiplastics.com, phone +44 117 924 9442, or fax +44 117 311 1534.

Dr. Sally Humphreys, BA hons, DPhil (Oxon), is a Business Development Manager for Applied Market Information, +44 1743 873955 (direct), +44 117 924 9442 (switchboard), +44 0795 8061159 (Mobile), email: sh@amiplastics.com, website www.amiplastics.com.

Published 6 October 2009