North Carolina Department of TransportationIn a letter dated 20 August 2013, the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) announced an update to its geotextile Approved Products List (APL). This impacts all geotextiles to be considered under Types 1 – 5 and for Pavement Stabilization in project specifications.
“This new checklist is more detailed and coincides with NTPEP’s recent updates to their evaluation process,” writes Leigh M. Wing, P.E., Value Management Program Engineer for NCDOT’s Value Management Unit. “The items listed in the checklist will be the governing criteria for inclusion on the APL.”
The NCDOT’s APL inclusion criteria change takes effect 1 January 2014.
The product submittal criteria is available here (PDF).
Additional resources are available here:
The National Transportation Product Evaluation Program (NTPEP) publishs data on construction materials in accordance to testing developed through consensus-based decisions by AASHTO’s NTPEP Oversight Committee. Geotextiles and other geosynthetics are voluntarily submitted by manufacturers to NTPEP for evaluation.
Currently, 24 states utilize NTPEP for their Qualified Products Lists (QPL), 17 are moving to NTPEP, and 6 do not use the system.
NCDOT has published a basic flow chart to assist manufacturers and private labelers determine if/when their products qualify for use under the various NCDOT geotextile type categories, as governed by the changing criteria:

NCDOT - Geotextile APL

* If you have questions about meeting spec/contract documents, NCDOT encourages you to contact C.K. Su at M&T +1 919 329 4150.
For more information about NTPEP, please visit the Program’s website


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