3 June 2010 – During the 9th International Conference on Geosynthetics (9ICG), which was held in May 2010 in Brazil, the International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) announced results of its most recent election cycle. The IGS Council met so that the expiring council could conclude business and hand over control to the new council, which welcomed both new and returning council members. This includes both those elected and those co-opted.

Co-opted members of the IGS Council serve at the request of the Council to ensure better geographic representation for the IGS.

The current IGS Council reflects the broad representation the Society seeks, both in terms of geographic representation and specialties. The current Council is composed of 15 elected members, 5 co-opted members, and 3 elected officers. Of these 24 members, Asia has the largest representation with 9. After Asia comes Europe (6), North America (4), Australasia and South America (2 each) and Africa (1).

Also, Gerhard Bräu (Germany) continues as the Editor of IGS News and in that position has a permanent invitation to participate in council meetings.


Jorge Zornberg (USA)

Immediate Past President
Fumio Tatsuoka (Japan)

Vice President
Russell Jones (UK)

John Cowland (Hong Kong)

Elizabeth Peggs (USA)


  • Sam Allen (USA)
  • Dennes Bergado (Thailand)
  • Eric Blond (Canada)
  • Abdelmalek Bouazza (Australia)
  • Chungsik Yoo (Korea)
  • Neil Dixon (UK)
  • Pierpaolo Fantini (Italy)
  • Nathalie Touze-Foltz (France)
  • German Vivar (Peru)
  • Han-Yong Jeon (Korea)
  • Karpurapu Rajagopal (India)
  • Jiro Kuwano (Japan)
  • Peter Legg (South Africa)
  • Jun Otani (Japan)
  • Pedro Abad (Spain)
  • Victor Pimentel (Brazil)
  • Mike Sadlier (Australia)
  • Xiao-Wu Tang (China)
  • Martin Ziegler (Germany)

For more information on IGS activities, events and membership, visit the IGS’s redesigned website: www.geosyntheticssociety.org