Jane Harris is proud in her new position as Managing Director. “I’ve lived in Toronto, Ontario, for most of my life and now reside just 1 hr northwest
of the city in Alliston, Ontario, current home of the NAGS Management Office.
I was so pleased to have been nominated by the previous Director, Kelly Rojas, to “take over the reigns” since August of this year and am enjoying the experience immensely! For
the past 9 yrs, I’d been involved as part of the Management team of a Second Cup
Coffee franchise located in Toronto and have always been known as a “people friendly”
person. That is why I am excited to be a part of this growing Society. My
goal is to keep our Members happy and to encourage new sources from North
America and beyond to join us and take advantage of the many benefits that NAGS
members currently enjoy. A heartfelt thank you to the NAGS Board of Directors
for welcoming me into their “world” with open arms…NAGS people are really a
great bunch! Many thanks, also, to geosynthetica.net for their interest in NAGS and
for the great service they provide for those in the Industry. Lara, Elizabeth, Lyn
and Ian, it was great to meet you all for the first time at the Winnipeg Conference
and on behalf of NAGS and myself, I look forward to our future sharing of
information and resources. Keep up the great work!” To contact Jane with congratulations or questions call +1 (705) 434-0180, or mail janeharris@nagsigs.org.