9 June 2011 – New research out of Texas A&M’s Department of Crop and Soil Sciences published in Crop Science, vol. 51, May-June 2011 shows the AirField System brings a tremendous reduction in irrigation frequency and overall water usage, outstanding root growth and depth, and an almost perfect perched water table, resulting in extreme playability, and more playable hours per year.

Read the article here.

This research was conducted to facilitate utilization of the widely accepted United States Golf Association (USGA) recommendations for physical properties of root zone mixtures when designing a putting green using a geotextile filter fabric atop Airfield Systems‘ AirDrain drainage grid in place of the standard gravel drainage layer. Water storage in greens that utilized geotextiles atop AirDrain as the drainage structure were compared with water storage in standard USGA designed greens constructed with gravel drainage. Three root zone mixtures were combined with four geotextiles atop the AirDrain drainage grid and three gravel drainage treatments to cover a large range of possible combinations for construction of putting greens. Each root zone drainage treatment was replicated three times in small test greens. After irrigation that produced drainage, water tensions at the bottom of the root zones of the greens constructed with geotextile atop the AirDrain drainage grid were, on average, 56 mm water less than those in test greens constructed with gravel. As a consequence of the differences in tensions, about 12 mm (~1/2 inch) more water was stored in root zones of test greens constructed with geotextile atop AirDrain compared to those constructed with gravel. If the USGA recommendations for a root zone mixture were to be used for an Airfield System’s designed putting green, it would appear that the tension at which the air-filled porosity and capillary porosity were determined should be lowered by approximately 50 mm water.

Call today to find out how the AirField Systems can save you time, money and energy on your next golf green or tee box, green roof, sports field or porous paving project, +1 405 359 3775.


Michael Bean
Airfield Systems, LLC
+1 405 359 3775

Eric Hudson
Airfield Systems, LLC
+1 405 359 3775