Full-Scale Evaluation of Erosion and Sediment Control BMPs

The December 2014 issue of Land and Water Magazine (www.landandwater.com) includes an extensive piece on "Independent, Full-Scale Evaluation of Erosion and Sediment Control BMPs." Authored by C. Joel Sprague (TRI Environmental), Peter Kemp (Wisconsin DOT), and Katheryn Malusky (AASHTO NTPEP), the article describes the development of full-scale testing in erosion control materials, current standards, emerging standards, and the newer sediment...

Sika Explores Options after Surprise Saint-Gobain Takeover Bid

On December 5, Switzerland-based Sika AG (VTX:SIK), a chemicals specialty company, was surprised by a rival’s takeover bid. France-based Saint-Gobain (EPA:SGO), which has substantial holdings in construction, announced plans to acquire 16% of Sika through purchasing the Burkard family’s ownership stake in Sika; through a unique company ownership structure related to the Burkard’s historical involvement with the company, Saint-Gobain’s...

Prefeitura de Curitiba investe em obras de contenção de enchentes

Como visto na www.geosynthetica.net.br - A Prefeitura de Curitiba está trabalhando em sete pontos da cidade para implantar galerias pluviais, fazer contenção de taludes em córregos e alargamento de canais que melhoram a vazão de rios. Outras cinco obras de contenção de enchentes e para eliminar riscos de alagamentos foram entregues em novembro pela Secretaria Municipal de Obras Públicas,...

Press Release: Low and Bonar Financial Update

Low and Bonar
Low & Bonar ("the Group"), the international performance materials group with leading positions in niche industrial markets, today provides a brief update on trading for the year ended 30 November 2014. The Group expects to report full year results on 3 February 2015. On a constant currency basis, sales were 7.2% ahead of last year (5.5% up on a like-for-like...

North American Geosynthetics Society 2015 Election

The North American Geosynthetics Society (NAGS) has issued its 2015 Election Ballot to all members, via email. The voting period, which opened December 3, will close on December 17. All NAGS members are encouraged to participate. Ballots will be cast electronically.  Each member in good standing may cast one vote each for President-Elect and Treasurer. Members may also vote for three...

Early-Bird Rate for InnoTrans 2016

Berlin, 10 December 2014 – The early bird catches the worm. The same expression also goes for InnoTrans. Every exhibitor who books a stand at InnoTrans 2016 by 7 January 2015 can secure a price advantage with the attractive discounts offered by InnoTrans on early bookings. Registration forms in English and German are available for downloading on the InnoTrans...

IGS News Volume 30, Issue 3 Released

The International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) has published Vol 30, Issue 3 of the IGS News. The issue is one of the largest in the society’s history and contains a message from the newly elected IGS President Dr. Russell Jones, multiple stories from the 10th International Conference on Geosynthetics (10 ICG), IGS Council updates, international chapter reports, and much more. DOWNLOAD...

IGS UK Unveils New Website

The International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) United Kingdom chapter (IGS UK) has unveiled a new website: www.igs-uk.org. The updated design is responsive to the user’s device (laptop, smartphone, tablet) and site sections emphasize research, events, downloable resources, and more. New IGS President (and former IGS UK Chairman) Dr. Russell Jones noted, “I am delighted to see the new IGS UK Chapter...

Ennio Palmeira Receives Terzaghi Award

The Brazilian Geotechnical Society (ABMS) has honored Prof. Ennio Palmeira with the Terzaghi Award. Palmeira is Professor of Civil Engineering in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Brasília. He is a long-time contributor to and leader in the geosynthetics field. Prof. Palmeira has twice served as the President of the International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) Brazilian...

VIDEO: Construction Mats for Haul Roads on Soft Soils

In this video from Presto Geosystems, Joe Karbon of the Manitowoc County Highway Department (Wisconsin) discusses the challenge of haul roads on soft soils and how construction mats are being used as an efficient solutions. GeoTerra® and GeoTerra® GTO Construction Mats are profiled. The lightweight mats are up to 50% more economical than timber mats but extremely durable. They are being...