Update: Geosynthetics Mining Solutions 2014

VANCOUVER, BC, Canada - ConferenceMine, the conference division of InfoMine, is proud to announce the Geosynthetics Mining Solutions 2014 conference (www.geosyntheticssolutions.com), to be held in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada from 8 to 11 September 2014. The conference website is live, and already an impressive list of geosynthetics authorities have agreed to deliver keynote addresses. Included are: Dr. J.P. Giroud Prof. Edward Kavazanjian Dr. Jonathan Fannin And more...

TenCate Geosynthetics Earns Water Innovation Prize 2013

The entry 'Vertical sand-tight geotextile' submitted by the Rivierenland Water Board in the Netherlands, has won the Water Innovation Award for 2013 in the category Dry Feet. In the words of the chair of the jury, Ms Annemieke Nijhof of Tauw Group B.V., the geotextile produced by TenCate Geosynthetics (www.tencategeosynthetics.com) is 'the most innovative idea that can be used...

39 Embassies Attend World Bioenergy 2014 Interest Meeting

Representatives from 39 embassies and trade offices from around the world gathered at the beginning of December for the traditional get-together held by Elmia and the Swedish Bioenergy Association Svebio to focus on the latest news and innovations in bioenergy. Planning is also fully underway for World Bioenergy 2014, to be held 3–5 June 2014 in Jönköping, Sweden, featuring...

IECA, EPA Region 4 Forming August 2014 MS4 Event

Denver, Colo. – The International Erosion Control Association (IECA) Region One and the IECA Southeast Chapter has signed an agreement with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 4 to hold a two day conference in Charlotte, North Carolina in August 2014. The primary focus of the event will be management of the MS4 function within the EPA Region 4 states. The conference, the...

terrafix® Winter Seminar Series Hits the Road

The latest newsletter from terrafix® includes news of the company's educational Winter Seminar Series hitting the road. The company has long sponsored educational seminars, including special sessions with expert speakers from the engineering field and academia joining the their own international in-house experts. This winter, the terrafix® team is making itself available to do special visits for larger groups, such...

Great Connections 2014 at the Heart of Stormwater Management

By Rebecca Kauten - The Great Lakes and Great Rivers Chapters of IECA represent nine American states (IL, IN, IA, KS, MI, MO, NE, OH, WI) and one Canadian province (ON). The region is characterized by old industry, overstressed underground stormwater systems, strong wetlands and conservation policies, agricultural runoff challenges, wind-induced soil erosion, and riverside urban redevelopment. NOTE: A version of this article...

Dec 11 Webinar: Geosynthetics in Agriculture and Aquaculture

By Dr. Robert M. Koerner, P.E. - On Wednesday, December 11, from 11:30 am - 1:00 pm (Eastern), the Geosynthetic Institute (GSI) will continue its monthly webinar series. The forthcoming topic is "Geosynthetics in Agriculture and Aquaculture." REGISTER ONLINE This webinar illustrates the many and varied applications of geosynthetics which can be (and have been) used in agriculture and aquaculture.  The...

10ICG Receives More Than 500 Abstracts

The 10th International Conference on Geosynthetics (10ICG) will be held 21-25 September 2014 in Berlin, Germany. Held under the auspices of the International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) and hosted by IGS Germany, the conference is expected to set some impressive participation levels. It is being co-located with the German Geotechnical Society's (DGGT) biennial conference (the Baugrundtagung), which itself generally has...

EDANA – Nonwovens Innovation Academy Completes 7-Year Cycle

4 December 2013 - The Nonwovens Innovation Academy (NIA) organised by  EDANA, the international association serving the nonwovens and related industries, on 27 - 28 November 2013 in Tourcoing (Lille Metropole-France) "closed the loop" of a 7-years cycle around European Centres of Excellence for nonwovens. This 2013 edition of the NIA, formerly named NRA, was hosted by CETI (Centre Européen des Textiles...

VIDEO: ADOT Uses Geogrid in Navajo Route 20 Work

ADOT Landslide Report, Navajo Route 20
The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) has an extensive video library that documents its work and the dedication of its personnel from around the state. In paving a 28-mile stretch of Temporary US89 (also known as US 89T and Navajo Route 20), ADOT encountered significantly sandy soils that led to multiple vehicles getting stuck. As the video above notes,...