PGI Increases Offer for Fiberweb

Fiberweb and PGI
Reuters has reported that nonwovens giant Polymer Group, Inc. (PGI) has gained stronger support from Fiberweb's Board of Directors in PGI's bid to acquire Fiberweb.  Fiberweb is a major international manufacturer of geotextiles, tree shelters, construction products and more. PGI initially made an offer in August 2013; today's announced acquisition bid comes after the initial bid (97.5 pence per...

Mattex Starts Up Latest Facility; USA Expansion Next

Mattex Geosynthetics started successfully its new nonwoven geotextile line in Al Jubail, Saudi Arabia. The newly created company is a vertically integrated ultra-modern production facility within the fast-growing Mattex Group. Mattex Geosynthetics specializes in the manufacturing of high-tenacity polypropylene, needlepunched and thermally-bonded geotextiles. The new state-of-the-art nonwoven production facility is located in Al Jubail, Saudi Arabia, adjacent to the biggest...

Seismic Behavior of Hybrid Reinforced Soil High Walls and Slopes

By Pietro Rimoldi, A.D. Gharpure, and R.R. Mahajan - Reinforced soil walls offer economic advantages over conventional mass gravity wall systems as the height of the wall increases. The cost of reinforcement constitutes an important part of the total cost of a reinforced soil retaining wall and can be as great as about 25% of the cost of the wall,...

CETCO Offers Leachate Testing for Liner Selection

Leachate testing - CETCO
By CETCO - Wastes are evolving. Has your liner system? Send us your waste or leachate samples, we'll suggest the optimum geosynthetic clay liner (GCL) for your site. While sodium bentonite has served as an effective hydraulic barrier in many containment applications for many years, standard bentonite-based GCLs have their known limitations. CETCO now offers a line of enhanced chemical compatibility...

GCLs: The Clay Minerals Society Marks 50 Years with October Event

Clay Minerals Society
From 6-10 October 2013, the Clay Minerals Society will gather at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and mark a significant milestone: their 50th anniversary. The October 9 barrier session will be of particular interest to engineering and construction professionals who work with geosynthetic clay liners (GCLs). Multiple PDHs will be available to attendees. LEARN MORE AND REGISTER While the geosynthetic barrier market...

Il Ministro dell'Ambiente Orlando inaugura RemTech Expo 2013 (Italian version)

RemTech 2013
La settima edizione di RemTech Expo 2013 (, il Salone più specializzato in Italia sulle bonifiche dei siti contaminati e la riqualificazione del territorio, sarà inaugurata dal Ministro dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare Andrea Orlando, che interverrà al convegno di apertura “Sostenibilità, tecnologie innovative e impatti economici”, approfondendo il tema “Bonifica dei siti contaminati: risanamento...

Environment Minister to Open RemTech Expo 2013 in Ferrara (Italy)

RemTech 2013
The seventh edition of RemTech Expo 2013 (, the most prestigious event in Italy on the remediation and redevelopment of contaminated sites , will be inaugurated by the Minister for the Environment , Land and Sea—Andrea Orlando—who will speak at the opening event chaired by Giovanni Beretta and Daniele Cazzuffi  on the subject of "Sustainability , innovative technologies and...

Pullout Performance of Strip Reinforcements for MSE Walls

By John Sankey and Robert Lozano - For discrete reinforcing strips used in MSE walls, standards developed under the AASHTO codes have identified a method for evaluating pullout of ribbed steel reinforcements through conservative default values using a friction factor term identified as f*. A similar default basis for polymeric reinforcing strips is not available in AASHTO; only values...

Extemin 2013 Showcases Peru's Mining Industry

Solmax Geosynthetics
Varennes, QC – Solmax will be present at the Extemin 2013 convention held at the Cerro Juli Convention Center in Arequipa, Peru from 16-20 September 2013. Extemin is one of the most prestigious mining event in Latin America and the most important mining conference in Peru. A specialized trade show for the global mining industry, Extemin is an important meeting place for the most important mining suppliers as well as...

VIDEO: Interview with Beth Chesson

During the last International Erosion Control Association (IECA) conference and exhibition, Geosynthetica's Elizabeth Peggs sat down with Beth Chesson, Co-Chair of the IECA Committee on Standards & Practices. The interview was conducted in a bustling exhibit hall--as is apparent in the background--but Beth's comments are well worth a listen. Here, Chesson reports on the news from the committee and its...