Strong Joins International Erosion Control Association

International Erosion Control Association
Denver, Colo. – The International Erosion Control Association (IECA) Region One is pleased to announce its new Assistant to the Director and Sponsorship Development Manager, Nicolle Strong. Before joining the IECA team, Strong was a part-owner at Piano's Flowers & Gifts in Memphis, Tenn. There she was responsible for operations, event planning, sales and marketing. "Nicolle comes to IECA with a...

IECA Extends Environmental Connection Abstracts

International Erosion Control Association
Due to the requests from presenters to extend the abstract submission deadline, the International Erosion Control Association (IECA) has extended its deadline another two weeks. The abstract submission deadline is now Friday, June 14. For those who hope to present at Environmental Connection 2014 Conference in Nashville, submit your abstract content by clicking here. In addition to expanding your knowledge and...

ASTM Committee D35 Updates

ASTM Committee D35
With ASTM Committee D35 on Geosynthetics to meet shortly in Indianapolis, we summarize here the most recent updates from the committee. GEOMEMBRANES 4 June 2013 - ASTM International has reapproved D5721 - Standard Practice for Air-Oven Aging of Polyolefin Geomembranes. Developed by Committee D35.02, this practice covers a means for estimating the resistance of polyolefin geomembranes to thermal aging in the...

Conwed Plastics Moving

Conwed Plastics has announced that it is returning to its historical headquarters at 2810 Weeks Ave SE, Minneapolis MN 55414. Renovations of the old facility are underway, and as of 10 June 2013 the company will operate fully out of the Weeks Ave office.

Cheers to Workplace Safety!

Geofabrics Australasia's Albury facility has reached an exceptional milestone in workplace safety. The company has surpassed 500 days without a workplace injury. This is a significant mark and continues an extraordinary record of care. The company's previous Lost Time Injury Free (LTI) record was 216 days. A careful and dedicated team and a stringent education program are paying significant...

FGI Announces Shale Oil and Gas Short Course

Environmental Protection in Shale Oil and Gas
The Fabricated Geomembrane Institute (FGI) has announced a short course on "Environmental Protection in Shale Oil and Gas Development." To be held 12 September 2013 in Corsicana, Texas, the event will describe the estimated 40 trillion cubic feet of retrievable natural gas and oil in the Barnett and Eagle Ford Shale, techniques to ensure environmental protection during the development,...

April-June 2013 Issue of TechTex India

Download the April-June 2013 issue of TechTex India here in PDF  

Update: 2013 LID Symposium

The 2013 International Low Impact Development (LID) Symposium will be held 18–21 August 2013 in Saint Paul, Minnesota. The Draft Program is now available for the 2013 International LID Symposium. This is a unique conference where policy, research and practice come together to accelerate effective implementation of low impact development and green infrastructure to meet clean water goals and...

Dhani Narejo Returns to Consulting

A familiar name is returning to the geosynthetics expert consulting ranks. After a short stint with an international geosynthetics manufacturer, Dhani Narejo, P.E., Ph.D., is now available without restrictions for geotechnical and geosynthetics-related consulting work. Narejo has more than 15 years of experience in the field and holds a considerable background in drainage and seepage design, slope stability analysis, exposed...

ASCE-EWRI at Low Impact Development Symposium

Low Impact Development Symposium
The American Society of Civil Engineers' (ASCE) Environmental & Water Resources Institute (EWRI) has announced a number of short course opportunities during the Low Impact Development (LID) Symposium. The 2013 International LID Symposium will be held 18-21 August 2013 in Saint Paul, Minnesota. ASCE-EWRI is currently promoting the following the courses for the event: Morning Session Short Courses Extensive Green Roof Design...