An Artificial Island Ringed with Geosynthetics

It’s long been said that investing in land is smart because “they aren’t making more of it.” In general, this is true. Mitigation strategies create more habitat, but not more land—except in the case of an artificial island. The project noted below was originally published on Geosynthetica in 2013, but its relevance remains. More of these islands are in planning,...

GeoCreatives – Abigail Gilson and Carl Charpentier

Carl Charpentier
Engineering work generally requires long hours in the field, in the lab, or simply chained to a computer inputting data, translating data, and assembling reports. To some, the concentration required for this type of work might suggest that it is not conducive to creative endeavors, that it is something of the opposite. That's far from correct. The complexity of...

INTERVIEW: Kent von Maubeuge on Multi-Component GCLs

GCLs Continue to Influence Barrier Designs
While geosynthetic clay liners (GCLs) are composite materials by design, the newer wave of multi-component GCLs are enhancing the performance of GCLs in a range of applications in a way that represents a significant jump for an already refined engineered materials area. The use of special polymeric coatings on a GCL is providing longer services lives for these materials,...

Nathalie Touze’s Full Giroud Lecture

The International Geosynthetics Society Vice President, Dr. Nathalie Touze, delivered an inspiring Giroud Lecture at the 11th International Conference on Geosynthetics (September 2018, Seoul). The lecture’s topic was “Healing the World: A Geosynthetics Solution,” and since that event Dr. Touze has delivered the lecture in different forums around the world. Now, the IGS has released a video of the full...

Webinar Explains New Covered Geomembranes ELL Standard

Electrical leak locations provide invaluable insight into the integrity of a geosynthetic lining system. All geomembrane-lined containment facilities should be tested for leaks before going into service. Early detection of leaks allows for swift and effective repair pre-service, which protects the engineer, contractor, owner and in many cases the environment. Even covered geomembranes can be surveyed, including after a...

ISGPEG Honoring Erol Güler Moved to 2021

The International Conference on Innovative Solutions for Geotechnical Problems was originally scheduled for June 2020 in Istanbul; but, in light of the global coronavirus outbreak, organizers have announced moving the conference to 2021. The new dates for ISGPEG 2021 have not yet been communicated to the general engineering community. Instead, the organizing committee has indicated that authors who had...

IGS Releases Geosynthetics Ebook on Earth Day

cover to IGS Sustainability eBook
The International Geosynthetics Society has released a new ebook for Earth Day! The short publication, Preparing the Ground for a Brighter Future, is based upon IGS Vice President Dr Nathalie Touze’s Giroud Lecture. In Dr. Touze’s lecture (Healing The World: A Geosynthetics Solution), she highlights the UN Sustainable Development Goals, climate change, and philosophy while emphasizing what we can do...

Geosynthetics Protect Polar Environments

Climate change has elevated the global dialogue on how to manage our polar regions. Their ecosystems are unique and fragile. Their ice sheets hold 99 percent of the world’s fresh water. Some highly valued natural resources are located in these environments, including an estimated 25 percent of the world’s oil reserves; but whether these resources can be extracted safely—and...

Effects of Subgrade on GCL Hydration and Desiccation in Antarctica

In late 2019, the GeoEngineering Centre posted a video presentation from Queen's University PhD student Vanessa Di Battista. The topic, “GCLs and Antarctica: Effects of Subgrade on Hydration and Desiccation,” builds nicely on work Queen's researchers have been involved in at Antarctica's Casey Station for many years. Di Battista spent a couple work season at the station. Geosynthetic clay liners (GCLs)...

The Dirt Hotel That’s Cleaning Contaminated Antarctic Soils

The Australian Antarctic Division has been involved in exceptional soil remediation works at Casey Station. Fuel spills have occurred at the site over the years. Very large volumes of fuel must be delivered and stored to support human activities at the station over long periods of time. Antarctica is a very unique location at which to conduct geotechnical activities. Natural...