10th International Conference on Geosynthetics Call for Abstracts

The 10th International Conference on Geosynthetics (10 ICG) will be held 21-24 September 2014 in Berlin, Germany. This quadrennial conference from the International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) will be hosted by the IGS Germany chapter and co-located with the German Geotechnical Society 2014 conference. Abstracts are invited through 15 May 2013. Learn more and upload your abstract via the online submission system.

VIDEO: Construction of Turkey's Arkun Dam with Geosynthetic Reinforcement System

NAUE Geosynthetics - Dam Construction
The newly constructed Arkun Dam hydropower facility on the Çoruh River (Turkey) would have been considerably more expensive if conventional concrete walls were used along the edges of the power station. NAUE Geosynthetics profiles the project and the reinforced earth option that was selected and which saved 40% on the cost for this portion of the project.

TenCate Geosynthetics' Flexible Pavement Design App

TenCate launched its MiraSpec Design Solutions Software in September 2010 to provide flexible pavement design assistance and demonstrate the benefits woven reinforcement and stabilization geotextiles in roadway structures. Now, the company has unveiled a flexible pavement design app for the iPad.

GeoAfrica 2013 Call for Abstracts

GeoAfrica 2013
GeoAfrica 2013 will be held 18-20 November 2013 in Accra, Ghana (NY Times' #4 place to visit in 2013). This event will be the Second IGS Regional Conference on Geosynthetics in Africa. Attendees interested in transportation, mining, water and waste management are all certain to be on site for this event. Abstracts in English not exceeding 400 words should be submitted by email to Technical@GeoAfrica2013.com not later than 31 March 2013.

MARCH 21 WEBINAR: Coastal Protection Project with Geotextile Containers and Marine Mattresses

This instructional webinar will provide attendees with knowledge on the use of geotextile containers and polymeric marine mattresses for island breakwater creation. On-site project experience from the City of Ft. Pierce Marina in Florida will be shared. This project features a permanent wave barrier, configured as a carefully sculpted, but naturally appearing, artificial island breakwater. This solution was proposed to protect the marina from a 100-year storm event, as mandated by FEMA regulations.

WEBINAR: Design within the Coastal Environment

This instructional webinar will provide attendees with knowledge on the use of geotextile containers and polymeric marine mattresses for island breakwater creation. On-site project experience from the City of Ft. Pierce Marina in Florida will be shared. This project features a permanent wave barrier, configured as a carefully sculpted, but naturally appearing, artificial island breakwater. This solution was proposed to protect the marina from a 100-year storm event, as mandated by FEMA regulations. Learn more here.;

D35 Approves New Standard for Leak Location

ASTM Committee D35 on Geosynthetics has announced the approval of a new standard: D7852 - Standard Practice for Use of an Electrically Conductive Geotextile for Leak Location Surveys. Developed by Committee D35.10 (Subcommittee on Geomembranes), the scope aims for the standard to be "applicable to all types of geoelectric surveys when there is otherwise not a conductive layer under the geomembrane." Learn more here.;

IECA Southeast Chapter Collegiate Scholarship Awards

The International Erosion Control Association (IECA) Southeast Chapter has announced two scholarships of $1,500 are available for the 2013-2014 school year. Recipients must be undergraduates with a declared major at an accredited four-year college or university located in the Southeast Region, which includes North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, or Florida. Applicants must be studying in a field related to erosion and sediment control. Learn more about the award and application requirements. Learn more here.;

New Leak Location Liner Brochure from GSE

GSE Environmental has published a new brochure for its innovative Leak Location Liner. These HDPE and LLDPE geomembranes are manufactured with a co-extruded conductive layer, which allows for quick and thorough leak detection on both exposed and covered applications by using Electrical Liner Integrity (ELI) surveys. Leak Location Liners are designed for use in applications that require the most stringent environmental safeguards, such as Mining, Landfills, Power Generation, and Waste Water Treatment. Download a copy of the new document here.

Latest Project Stories from Global Synthetics

GeoNews is a regular publication of project stories, event updates, and geosynthetic materials information. It's the corporate newsletter of Australia-based Global Synthetics. The current issue looks at utilization of geotextile tubes to restore a freshwater lagoon, geogrid-gextile composite reinforcement for crane pads at Maroochydore, revitalizing Adelaide's railway network, Bentofix® GCL containment for a lake, and more. Read the latest issue here (PDF).