Plastics Technology: Resin Prices "Shoot Up"

In the February 2013 issue of Plastics Technology, senior editor Lilli Manolis Sherman reports that commodity resin prices have shot up for a number of reasons: unplanned disruptions in polymer feedstock production in December, planned cracker outages slated for the first four months of this year, etc. Monomer and resin prices have risen, especially with regards to polypropylene. Polyethylene and PVC have also been affected. Some geosynthetics manufacturers have acknowledged these price shocks too in having to increase prices on products as well. Learn more here.;

Going to IECA? Register to Win a $50 Gift Card and Get the Dirt on Geo!

During Environmental Connection 2013 in San Diego (February 10–13), stop by Booth #535 in the exhibit hall and visit with the Minerva team—publishers of and Sign up for Geosynthetica's bi-weekly e-newsletter in the exhibit hall and be registered for a chance to win 1 of 3 $50 Visa Gift Cards that will be given away during the conference.

Learning from Nature: Using Bioengineering to Save Water Bodies

California city’s efforts to stabilize creeks with plants are part of a larger paradigm shift in public works initiatives Learn more here.;

TRI Environmental Announces CQA Week Sessions in Austin, Texas

TRI Environmental recently announced CQA Week training events in Perth, Western Australia (March 18-21). The company has now confirmed that it is also holding a 2Q CQA Week in Austin, Texas, 29 April - 3 May. CQA Week is a semi-annual educational event that offers professional development in liner integrity survey/assessment (LISA), CQC/CQA for geosynthetic installation, CQC/CQA with compacted clay liners and geosynthetic clay liners, and an opportunity to sit for the Geosynthetic Institute's Inspector's Certification Program exam. Learn more in the Austin event's brochure (PDF).

I-CORP Provides Double Liner Expertise for Coal Seam Gas Plants in Australia

Dr Ian D. Peggs and I-CORP INTERNATIONAL have been contracted by Leighton Contractors in Australia to provide technical support and guidance for the installation of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) double lining systems in about 14 production water and related ponds at the Condabri and Reedy Creek coal seam gas plants presently being built in Queensland, Australia. The plants are owned by Australia Pacific LNG, a joint venture of Origin, Conoco-Phillips, and Sinopec. This I-CORP/Leighton Contractors cooperation arose from a previous project in which I-CORP provided expert witness support to Leighton Contractors for concrete protection liner failures in SX/EW mixers/settlers at the Gunpowder mine near Mt. Isa in Queensland.

EREF Auction at Waste Expo 2013

The Environmental Research & Education Foundation (EREF) will hold charitable auctions, one silent and one energetic and live, during Waste Expo 2013 in New Orleands (May 20 - 23). Silent auction bidding is open May 6 - 17 online and again May 21 - 22 in the exhibition hall. The live auction will be held May 22 following a reception in the early evening. EREF's mission is to fund and direct scientific research and educational initiatives for waste management practices. To date, the annual auction has raised more than $13 million to fund the foundation's initiatives. Learn more here.;

CQA Week Training Heads to Perth, March 18-21

TRI Environmental and TRI Australasia will hold the next CQA Week Training events 18-21 March 2013 in Perth, Western Australia at the offices of Engineers Australia. Key education focuses on Construction QA/QC for Geosynthetic Installations and Compacted Clay Liner and GCL Installation, Liner Integrity Survey/Assessment Training, and an opportunity to sit for the Geosynthetic Institute's Inspector Certification Program exam.

GSE Environmental Announces Acquisition of SynTec, LLC

GSE Holding, Inc. has announced its acquisition of all of the equity interests of SynTec, LLC, a Baltimore, Maryland-based manufacturer of geosynthetics that complement GSE's well-known containment geosynthetics. SynTec has revenues of approximately $20 million. Co-Founders Giovanni Capra and Aigen Zhao, both of whom are veterans of the field, will remain with GSE after the acquisition.

North American Geosynthetics Society Opens Elections

The first quarter of the year is a time of renewing professional society memberships, and it is also often a time of elections. Readers are encouraged to renew their North American Geosynthetics Society (NAGS) memberships now…as well as take part in the NAGS Elections. From now through February 21, members of NAGS—the North American chapter of the International Geosynthetics Society (IGS)—will be able to vote for the President Elect position and a Vice President spot.

Raven Industries Announces VaporBlock® Spec3 Showcase at World of Concrete®

Raven Industries Engineered Films Division (Nasdaq:RAVN) announces the VaporBlock® Spec3 Showcase, a select under-concrete-slab barrier series. The Spec3 Showcase contains three major categories with key products for superior gas and moisture protection. The showcase includes signature VaporBlock® 15 mil with enhanced low-permeability, eco-friendly VaporBlock® G™ with recycled post-consumer content, and advanced VaporBlock® Plus™ providing the latest in gas barrier technology. The official VaporBlock Spec3 Showcase product launch is February 5–8 in conjunction with the World of Concrete® show in Las Vegas, NV at Raven booth #S12510. All VaporBlock Spec3 Showcase products exceed Class "A" standards, and include independent supporting test data as required under ASTM E1745-11.