Geosynthetic Support Pad Offers More Than 800 t Capacity

HUESKER has developed a geosynthetic support pad (Fortrac Heavy Load). The system has been engineered for storing extra-heavy units, such as monopoles for offshore wind turbines or ship components. The load capacity of this geosynthetic support pad is greater than 800 t. “Traditional constructions with custom-made steel and concrete support posts tend to be very expensive,” the company writes. “ system...

GSI Webinar: MSE Wall Back Drainage Design

The Geosynthetic Institute will host its next GSI Webinar on 25 October 2017. The topic is MSE Wall Back Drainage Design. GSI Webinars are 80-minute sessions (with Q&A time added to the end) on the second Wednesday of every month at 11:30 am (EDT). Participants may be eligible to receive 1.5 professional development hours (PDHs) with completion of a 10-question multiple choice...

Geosynthetic Support Pad Offers More Than 800 t Capacity

HUESKER has developed a geosynthetic support pad (Fortrac Heavy Load). The system has been engineered for storing extra-heavy units, such as monopoles for offshore wind turbines or ship components. The load capacity of this geosynthetic support pad is greater than 800 t. “Traditional constructions with custom-made steel and concrete support posts tend to be very expensive,” the company writes. “...

11 МКГ продлила срок подачи презентационных работ для молодых членов IGS до 31 октября

10 ICG, Berlin - highlights
С 16 по 21 сентября 2018 года в городе Сеул, Южная Корея, пройдёт 11 международная конференция по геосинтетике. Организатором конференции является Корейский филиал геосинтетического сообщества. Во время 11 МКГ молодые члены IGS проведут особенную сессию, которая является частью технической программы. Срок подачи презентационных работ по этой сессии продлён до 31 октября, 2017 года. Краткий обзор работы должен быть написан на...

United Concrete Canvas Russia Opened a Demo Park

Though Concrete Canvas opened a unique demo park near Moscow in Russia in 2016, it wasn’t until mid-way through this year that the company officially announced it. The site, run by United Concrete Canvas Russia, introduces visitors to the wide variety of applications and sectors in which Concrete Canvas rolls are being used: road construction, railways, canal lining, mining,...

VIDEO: A Manufacturing Approach to Geomembrane Wrinkles Management

Earlier this year, Solmax took on a very hot topic with a free webinar: managing geomembrane wrinkles. This session followed the discussion created by a Geosynthetic Institute webinar in which Dr. Robert Koerner spoke strongly against wrinkles left in or left to develop in a geomembrane installation. Solmax delivered a welcomed talk on the manufacturing approach to the subject. Technical manager Doyin...

Геосинтетические бетононаполняемые оболочки для защиты откосов насыпи

Мостовой переход «Кировский» в городе Самара представляет собой важный и актуальный инфраструктурный проект не только для Самарской области, но и для соседних регионов. Он также позволит увеличить эффективность транзитных международных грузоперевозок, прежде всего между Россией и Республикой Казахстан. Собственно сам мост через реку Самара является уникальным инженерным сооружением и входит в пятерку крупнейших вантовых мостов России. Общая протяженность трассы...

JOB OPPORTUNITY: Raven Seeks to Add Product Development Engineer

Job Opportunity - Product Development Engineer (Raven Industries): For 60 years, Raven has developed, marketed, and produced technical solutions to great challenges. Utilizing our strength in engineering, manufacturing, and technological innovation, Raven today is a leader in precision agriculture, high performance specialty films, and situational awareness markets. Our purpose to Solve Great Challenges is bold and authentic; it keeps...

11 ICG Young IGS Members Call Extended to October 31

Tara van der Peet
DEADLINE EXTENSION! The 11th International Conference on Geosynthetics, organized by the International Geosynthetics Society’s Korean Chapter, will be held in Seoul, South Korea 16 – 21 September 2018. The Young IGS Members will host a special session during 11 ICG as part of the technical program. The Call for Papers for that special session has been extended to 31 October...

Ashley MacMillan Joins TenCate as an Engineering Business Manager

TenCate Geosynthetics has announced the addition of Ashley MacMillan, PE as Engineering Business Manager – Northwest (United States). MacMillan is a 7-year veteran with a strong background in geotechnical applications. Among the skills she brings to TenCate is the ability to serve as a mechanically stabilized earth structures expert. MacMillan has been active in her career with the American Society...