CLI Statement on Acquisition by Raven Industries

Following the August 22 official announcement by Raven Industries that it had signed an agreement to acquire Colorado Lining International, CLI President John Heap issued the following statement. (NOTE: Images and links added by Geosynthetica.) CLI STATEMENT ON ACQUISITION Earlier today, Raven Industries signed an asset purchase agreement to acquire substantially all of the assets of Colorado Lining International, Inc. with...

EuroGeo Transcript: Geomembrane Wrinkles, Bridging, Ballasting, Parts 3 – 5

During EuroGeo 6, Dr. Ian D. Peggs, P.E., P.Eng chaired a special panel discussion on geomembrane wrinkles, bridging, uplift, and ballasting. The recorded session featured panelists Paul Guinard (SOPREMA), Adnan Berkay Özdemir (Atarfil), Michael Flynn (FLI Group), Catrin Tarnowski (GSE), and Richard Thiel (Thiel Engineering). We publish here, with permission of the EuroGeo 6 organizers (the Turkish Chapter of...

EuroGeo Transcript: Geomembrane Wrinkles, Bridging, Ballasting, Parts 1 and 2

During EuroGeo 6, Dr. Ian D. Peggs, P.E., P.Eng chaired a special panel discussion on geomembrane wrinkles, bridging, uplift, and ballasting.  We publish here, with permission of the EuroGeo 6 organizers (the Turkish Chapter of the International Geosynthetics Society) and the participating panelists the full transcript of the session. We thank Ian Peggs and Wendy Cortez of I-CORP International for...

Western ProLine Sets a Course for Geosynthetic Fabrication Success

When Brawler Industries closed its four locations in the United States, its assets were bought up by various geosynthetics entities. The one location we hadn’t heard about was what happened to the Miles City, Montana assets and inventory. They have certainly not sat idle. Instead, William Phair acquired the site and established a new geosynthetics fabrication company, Western ProLine,...

Вебсайт Geosynthetica принимает статьи на русском языке о применении геосинтетики

Информационный онлайн ресурс о применении геосинтетики (Geosynthetica) запустил русскоязычную страничку. Мы ждём рассказы на русском языке о ваших проектах, разработках и возможностях. Всё это будет весьма интересно для большого и быстро растущего рынка геосинтетики в русскоязычных странах. Высылайте нам свои истории, описание продукта, описание услуг, которые представляет ваша компания, а также новости и анонс мероприятий. Существует возможность по размещению вашей...

PODCAST: Creating Strong Environmental Programs

Infrastructure projects often shape our futures for the better, but they can also be tremendous sources of pollution—especially without proper attention to erosion and sediment control—and lead to poor relations with a community for a project’s stakeholders. How do we improve these relationships? How do we create strong environmental programs on construction sites? How do we give communities a...

Acquisition News: Raven Industries to Acquire Colorado Lining

The geosynthetics industry has received some interesting acquisition news: South Dakota-based manufacturer Raven Industries, Inc. (NASDAQ:RAVN) has signed an asset purchase agreement to acquire fabrication, installation, and design-build service provider Colorado Lining International, Inc. The final acquisition will align under Raven’s Engineered Films Division, according to a company statement. Raven sees the addition as the next phase in its geosynthetics division’s...

In Memoriam: André Rollin, a Geosynthetics Pioneer

By Chris Kelsey – The geosynthetics field has lost one of its earliest adopters and consistent champions, engineer André Rollin, M.Sc.A., Ph.D., FEIC, FCSME (1941 – 2017). André passed away on August 13 at the Vaudreuil-Soulanges Palliative Care Home after a lengthy battle with illness. André’s long and active career was characterized by a constant interest in growth—of the geosynthetics...


Значительное увеличение транспортного потока в последние годы становится основным катализатором роста транспортной инфраструктуры Москвы и Московской области. Северный обход г. Одинцово стал разгрузочной транспортной артерией для города и способствовал значительному снижению нагрузки на Минское шоссе (М-1). До момента открытия, участок автодороги «Беларусь» в районе г. Одинцово являлся одним из наиболее проблемных и загруженных. По Минскому шоссе производятся как международные...

EVOH Layers and Better Gas Barrier Performance for Geomembranes

Geosynthetic barriers perform exceptionally well in liquid containment applications, but gas barrier performance can still be improved. Volatile organic compounds, for example, can diffuse through barrier systems. The rate is low, but the incorporation of an EVOH layer in a geomembrane has shown that the diffusion rate of VOCs can actually be much lower. Applications that utilize geosynthetics and can...