A Geosynthetic Solution for Tehran Highway Wall

By Maccaferri – For a 33m-high, 300m-long retaining wall along the new Tehran North Highway, a composite geosynthetic solution from Maccaferri is being utilized. This geosynthetic approach has enabled the project team to avoid construction of a bridge or a traditional concrete wall, and in doing so has made the works more cost-effective while simplifying the installation. The ongoing construction works,...

PODCAST: Craig Benson on Sedimentation, Dams, and Watershed Health

Geosynthetica opens its 2017 series of GeoTalk podcasts with a conversation about sedimentation, dams, and watershed health. Our guest is Craig Benson, an International Erosion Control Association Board Member and a division director for the private, non-profit Natural Resources Services in Eureka, California. NRS is a division of the Redwood Community Action Agency. There are more than 1000 community...

Coal Seam Gas Site Uses Graphene-Enhanced Geotextiles

A coal seam gas facility in Australia has become the site of the world’s second commercial-scale use of graphene-enhanced geotextiles. The product utilizes Imagine Intelligent Materials’ imgne® X3 coating, which is applied to Geofabrics Australasia’s bidim C geotextile. The Queensland CSG operation installed 10,000 m2 of the graphene-enhanced geotextile, which enables the the detection of holes in a lining system...

NZ’s Central Plains Headrace Canal Update: 600,000 Sq M of HDPE Geomembrane

The ongoing infrastructure works in Canterbury, New Zealand’s ambitious Central Plains Water Enhancement Scheme is centered around a 55m-high dam and affiliated storage and diversion canals. Up to 60,000 ha (148,230 acres) of land will be irrigated by the project. The Rakaia and Waimakariri Rivers would be connected the 280 million cubic meter-capacity reservoir via a 56km-long headrace canal. The...

Reinforcing India’s First Vertical Expansion of a Landfill

The city of Vapi in the state of Gujarat, India, has a deep industrial history, with chemicals, pesticides, dyes, textiles, and other sectors active in the municipal area. Though such heavy industrial activity presents environmental challenges, Vapi is excelling due to its sustained effort over the last decade to continuously elevate its environmental performance. One of the signature projects in the area,...

ОБЗОР КОНФЕРЕНЦИИ: Геосинтетика в дорожном строительстве

Завершила работу II международная конференция «Геосинтетика в дорожном строительстве», которая прошла в Москве 19 мая 2017 года. Партнер сессии  «Способы оценки качества геосинтетических материалов при дорожном строительстве. Российский и зарубежный опыт» -  «Махина-ТСТ». Конференция прошла при поддержке компаний: «BOHNENKAMP AG», «Maccaferri», «THRACE GROUP», «NEW GROUND», «NAUE» В работе конференции приняли участие компании, которые специализируются на  разработке и реализации  технических решений при проектировании, строительстве, ремонте...

VIDEO: Reduction Factor for Creep Rupture Behavior of Geosynthetics

In HUESKER’s May 2017 videocast, engineer Christoph Hessing discusses a highly important reduction factor that engineers must know to properly design with geosynthetics: creep rupture. This is essential to understanding soil reinforcement. “The purpose of the reduction factors is to take into account the factors influencing product behavior that are likely to be significant in an application,” Hessing says. Beginning from...

Custom Nonwoven Geotextiles Fight Lake Eutrophication

Can nonwoven geotextiles prevent the suffocating damage of eutrophication in waterways? That is a question Titan Environmental Containment's Sam Bhat, M. Eng., is helping answer in a collaborative project with environmental engineering professor Catherine Milligan and Concordia University (Canada). An NSERC Collaborative Research and Development Grant has been awarded for 2017-19 for the team's research project, "Improvement in Surface Water...

REVIEW: 2nd International Geosynthetics in Road Construction

The 2nd international Geosynthetics in Road Construction conference was held May 19 in Moscow. Key sponsors for the event included Maccaferri, NAUE, Thrace Group, Bohnenkamp AG, and New Ground. Machina-TST sponsored a special session on “Evaluation of Geosynthetic Quality in Road Construction.” MAXConference, the organizer, reports that the event participants included companies focused on design, construction, repair and maintenance of...

IGS Brasil to Celebrate 20 Years of Activity with Special Program

One of the world’s most active chapters of the International Geosynthetics Society was created 20 years ago. This year, when IGS Brasil members gather for the chapter’s annual meeting, a special program, open to all, will be added to recognize the anniversary milestone. The June 22 program for this 7th IGS Brasil Geosynthetics Conference and Annual Meeting will feature...