Expert Geosynthetics Installation for Better Silver and Gold Mining ROI

The Coeur Rochester mine in Rochester, Nevada produced 4.6 million ounces of silver and 52,600 ounces of gold in 2016. One of the reasons for the success of the open pit and surface mining operation, with its on-site heap leach pads, has been the use of 80-mil high-density polyethylene geomembranes and geosynthetic clay liners for the various containment needs...

REMINDER: 2018 IECA Abstracts Due May 31

The International Erosion Control Association Region One reminds the engineering community that abstracts for the 2018 IECA Conference and Exhibition are due May 31. The 2018 IECA conference will be held 11 – 14 February 2018 in Long Beach, California. 2018 IECA CALL FOR ABSTRACTS Suggested topics for the 2018 IECA Technical Program include: Erosion and Sediment Control Managing Soil for Vegetative Establishment Wildfire...

Engineering Professors: Educate the Educators Applications Due June 1

The deadline for engineering professors to apply for a seat in the International Geosynthetics Societey’s non-commercial Educate the Educators program (4 - 5 December 2017, Kingston, Ontario) is approaching. All interested engineering professors must submit their application by June 1 to IGS North America. APPLY ONLINE The two-day geosynthetics training program delivers practical engineering information to engineering professors, who can then return...

Waterproof Membranes 2017 Exhibit and Sponsorship Opportunities

Waterproof Membranes 2017 will be held November 14 - 16 in Cologne, Germany. The event is the 11th annual installment from AMI. The program will soon be released, with presentations on market dynamics, technical innovation, manufacturing, installation, and performance of geomembranes and other (e.g., architectural) waterproof membranes. Exhibit and sponsorship opportunities for this networking-focused event are available. VISIT THE EVENT WEBSITE Waterproof Membranes...

EurAsian Geotextiles Symposium 2017 Program Released

The international nonwovens association EDANA and the China Nonwovens and Industrial Textiles Association (CNITA) have partnered to develop the EurAsian Geotextiles Symposium 7 - 8 June 2017 at the Regent Hotel in Beijing. The program for the event, which will be held under the auspices of the International Geosynthetics Society, has been released. It includes addresses from IGS Past President...

SOBRATEMA Summit 2017 Includes Geosynthetics Module

From June 7 to 9, professionals in construction, engineering, and equipment will gather in Sao Paulo, Brazil at the co-located events of BW Expo 2017, Construction Expo 2017 (International Fair of Buildings and Infrastructure Works), M & T Parts and Services 2017 (Congress of Technology and Management of Equipment for Construction and Mining), and the SOBRATEMA Summit 2017. The multi-event...

Installation of Asphalt Interlayers at High Ambient/Pavement Temperatures

By Ray Myers – The benefits of asphalt interlayers are documented going back over 40 years. Interlayers delay reflective cracking and form a moisture barrier when properly installed using liquid PG asphalt. A dry aggregate base maintains its’ designed load bearing capacity. Manufactures have continually added new and improved interlayers (paving mats, paving grids, and composite paving grids) to...

СИБУР: о контроле качества геосинтетических материалов

Алексей Володиков, эксперт, направление «ТЭП и геосинтетика», СИБУР,  расскажет о контроле качества геосинтетических материалов на  II международной конференции «Геосинтетика в дорожном строительстве». Мероприятие состоится  19 мая 2017  в Москве, Intercontinental Hotel Moscow, (Тверская 22). Основные темы мероприятия:  Рынок геосинтетических материалов РФ: баланс спроса и предложения Европейский опыт применения геосинтетических материалов при строительстве дорог Механизм поддержки государством применения разных видов геосинтетических материалов в...

LAST CHANCE TO REGISTER! Slope Stability Short Course

Containment facilities require multiple geosynthetics, which creates a need to design with a strong understanding of the interface between soils and geosynthetics and between different geosynthetics. The new short course, Slope Stability of Containment Systems, will address this topic May 23 – 24 in Austin, Texas. The presenters for the course represent the geosynthetics testing and environmental consulting sides of...

HUESKER открывает завод по производству геосинтетических материалов в г. Клин (Россия)

29 марта 2017 года состоялось официальное открытие первого завода HUESKER в г.Клин., Россия. Dr.Grandin F.- Hans (Управляющий Директор HUESKER Group), Г-н Хмельницкий С.Г (Генеральный Директор ООО «ХЮСКЕР») и Г-жа Сокольская А.Д. (Глава Клинского муниципального района) открыли производство перерезанием символической красной ленточки. ООО «ХЮСКЕР» с гордостью объявляет, что налажен выпуск производства высококачественных геосинтетических материалов для Российского рынка  в соответствии с самыми высокими...