Certification Program

The Geosynthetic Institute is delighted to announce the availability of an Inspectors Certification Program for Waste Containment Systems, i.e., landfills, impoundments, closures, and related facilities. It is available for geosynthetic materials and/or compacted clay liners…

For Peat's Sake

The soil in the Cayman Islands can make road building difficult. Peat depths exceed six feet in some areas. Often, the peat layers are stripped and replaced with aggregate. To keep down costs of the Cayman's $100 million highway expansion plan, geotextile solutions are being tapped to allow new roadwork without needing so much soil excavation… Learn more here.;

Ge06 – Ideas to Build on!

Sponsored by Terrafix, this annual symposium provides a forum for the dissemination of information amongst engineers, research workers, designers, users, contractors and manufacturers. This is an opportunity to meet and listen to international leaders and innovators in the geosynthetic industry

No More Separation Anxiety

Geotextile separators have gained a mention in an 18 January 2006 article at railwaypeople.com. The British site profiles the design of the Netherlands' new 100-km-long, high-speed train line connecting Amsterdam with the Belgian border. Research in Leichtenstein showed that geotextiles would provide the necessary friction relief between the coarse substructure and the track's slab. Learn more here.;

Tying the Knot

We are pleased to announce that Lara Peggs has become Lara Costa, following her marrage on 13 January 2006 to Ray Costa. Lara's email address will remain lara@geosynthetica.net

Conference Review

Read a review on NAGS /GRI19 held on 14-16 December, 2005 at the Flamingo Hilton in Las Vegas, USA.

Waterloo Road Company Wins National Awards

The Sioux County project was a U.S. Highway 60 bypass of Alton, part of a four-lane extension north from Sioux City and Le Mars to the Minnesota border. It utilized lightweight Geofoam --- large lightweight bricks of highly compressed foam sealed with plastic geomembrane liners. Learn more here.;

Daniel Appointed Chair Of ASCE Review Panel

ASCE has appointed David E. Daniel, Ph.D., P.E., M.ASCE, the chair of an external review panel authorized by Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld as part of a federal study of the New Orleans levee failures in the aftermath of Katrina. Learn more here.;


China is seen as a threat to the textile and apparel industries in the West and much of its exports are now subject to quotas. But technical textiles from the EU continue to flood unhindered into Chinese ports. In Textiles Intelligence, issue 62, 3rd quarter 2005, Robin Anson examines the forces driving China's growing hunger for technical textiles in China: A Growing Market for Western Technical Textiles? Learn more here.;

Machinery Event

ATME-I2006 (American Textile Machinery Exhibition - International) will open Oct 31 - Nov 3, 2006 at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta, GA. Learn more here.;