CETCO Owner, AMOCOL International, Presents at European Medical Conference – Introduces Nano Bentonite with Antiviral Properties

AMCOL International Corporation announced last month that test results of recently discovered anti-viral properties of nano bentonites will be jointly presented with Retroscreen Virology Ltd., a London-based research and testing facility. In this study, laboratory tests have demonstrated that HIV, Human Flu and Avian Flu viruses can be inactivated using specially modified bentonites. Additional tests will be conducted with other viruses. Jerry Darlington, AMCOL technical director and Charlotte Chan, Research Scientist, will be presenting the results at a poster session being held today and tomorrow at the Second European Influenza Conference in Malta. Scientists, health care professionals and government representatives attend the Conference with the goal of combating the influenza epidemic. Dr. John Oxford, Retroscreen scientific director and Professor of Virology at Queen Mary 's School of Medicine & Dentistry at the University of London, is a co-organizer of this conference. The poster entitled, “Evaluation of the antiviral activity of different modifications of nano-bentonite clay against the Human Influenza (H3N2) Virus, Avian Influenza (H5N1) Virus and the Human Immunodeficiency Virus” outlines reduction in viral activity of selected viruses from AMCOL modified bentonites. Certain products are available in commercial quantities pending regulatory reviews, and patents have been applied for. No animal or human testing has been conducted. The poster can be viewed at the "continued" link below. Larry Washow, AMCOL president and chief executive officer, said, “The data from this testing provided clinical validation that nano-bentonites have the ability to inactivate a number of viruses. This is a very important development in our continuing work with nano-bentonites, a completely new direction in the evolving field of nano-material use in health-related applications. It will take quite some time to see these products reach the marketplace as further work will be required on these initial lab tests.” Learn more here.;

Members of Committee D35

The registration information and preliminary program for the ASTM Workshop Hydraulic Applications in Geosynthetics, November 2, 2005, held at ASTM Headquarters is accessible at the "continued" link below. Learn more here.;

Conference Brochure

The joint NAGS/GRI-19 conference in Las Vegas, NV., has finalized its conference program. Please book soon to obtain conference rates at the Flamingo Hotel.


I-CORP INTERNATIONAL has been awarded R&D funding by USEPA to further assess the potential of infrared thermography for the nondestructive measurement of HDPE geomembrane seam strength.

A Message from ACASPA's President

Two thoughts on training and recognition of skills: Encourage your firm’s top people to work towards getting their own skills and experience formally “certified” or formalised – if they are not already – as a sign for your entire staff that yours is a “training friendly” culture, and sign up one or more trainees/apprentices. I know of no better way to solve the skills shortage that exists almost everywhere. Let’s all invest in our industry’s future! - Max Brady

FLI Acquires Vertase

Waterford News and Star - "FLI Environmental, the Waterford-based environmental solutions provider, has acquired the UK land reclamation and remediation company Vertase, for €5 million, making the Irish company one of the major providers of environmental services in the Irish, British and European markets." Learn more here.;

GIGSA's September 2005 Newsletter

The newsletter is now available on geosynthetica. Includes information on Gast, a lined residue disposal facility, geogrids and trackbed maintenance, a tailings facility in Saudi Arabia, an Engineered Linings installation in Tajikistan, wastewater treatment and Kaytech geogrids, and a call for nominations for the IGS Student Awards Learn more here.;

Most Sabah Engineers Unaware of Geosynthetic Applications' Claim

Kota Kinabalu: Knowledge of geosynthetics is so limited in Sabah that most of the engineers don't even know how to use it, a press conference was told Monday. Council member of the Malaysian Geosynthetics Industry (MGS), Vincent H.K.Tan from Sabah said the application of geosynthetic products in civil engineering projects is not a new concept as it was started in Europe in the mid sixties. "Geosynthetic materials have been widely used in civil engineering projects, especially in developed countries since the eighties. In Malaysia, engineers and those in construction and development-related industries have also increasingly recommended the use of these products in projects. "Although the geosynthetics industry has been maturing over the last 20 years, its products are not extensively used in the State… Learn more here.;

Arcapita Inc. to Buy Tensar Corp.

Arcapita Inc. plans to acquire The Tensar Corp. from KRG Capital Partners for $385 million. The deal is expected to close by the end of October. Atlanta-based Arcapita, formerly Crescent Capital Investments Inc., is a global investment group that owns Loehmann's Holdings Inc., Church's Chicken and Cypress Communications. Learn more here.;

ECTC Meets Associations and Government Agencies at the Washington D.C. Meeting

On June 20-21 2005, the members of the Erosion Control Technology Council (ECTC) met with government agencies and association partners in Washington D.C. The Associations included were: American Road and Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA), National Association of County Engineers (NACE), American Society of Landscape Architects and (ASLA), Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA). Members of ECTC also met with Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). The purpose of these meetings was to discuss the ECTC’s Installers Training Program that ECTC has developed and is working in partnership with industry associations to present.