Japan, Italy and South Africa

IGS Editor, Karina McInnis, gives a short report on the history of the Mercer Lecture, and where this year's presenter, J-P. Giroud, will be for his lecture, Contribution of Geosynthetics to the Geotechnical Aspects of Waste and Liquid Containment. Please scroll to page 7 of the .pdf (link below). Learn more here.;

GSI/GRI News – GCL Specification

As a result of White Paper #5, the new GRI-GCL3 Standard Specification for Test Methods, Required Properties, and Testing Frequencies of Geosynthetic Clay Liners (GCLs) is now available. The new specification can be found at the "continued" link below; Whte Paper #5 can be found by cutting and pasting the following link into your browser: https://www.geosynthetica.net/tech_docs/GRIWhitePaper5.asp Learn more here.;

GSI/GRI News – White Paper #6

GRI White Paper #6 on Geomembrane Lifetime Prediction: Unexposed and Exposed Conditions, by Robert M. Koerner, Y. Grace Hsuan and George R. Koerner of the Geosynthetic Institute is now available. Learn more here.;

Geosynthetic Materials Association Announces New Managing Director

The Geosynthetic Materials Association (GMA) is pleased to announce that Andrew Aho has joined their staff as the new Managing Director. Aho has held senior level positions in association management, sales and marketing, as well as business development. He has participated in legislative policy development and implementation, the management of lobbying and government affairs staff, and has published several articles in professional journals. GMA is excited to have Aho join their staff and feels confident that his communication skills and entrepreneurial talent will be great assets for the association. GMA is a unique, consensus-building organization that promotes the technical and economic benefits of geosynthetics to the user community and, in turn, assists in building stronger civil infrastructures in a cost-efficient manner. GMA members are recognized as contributors to the geosynthetic industry's growth and industry’s future.

GRI-GM18 Temporary Suspension

As of May 3, 2004, GRI-GM18 is temporarily suspended. The durability portion of this generic specification on flexible polypropylene geomembranes has come into question insofar as oxidation induction time values are concerned. OIT testing has proven to be an excellent precursor of polyethylene lifetime such that a relatively quick and standardized test is being used in this regard. It is apparently more difficult for fPP due in part that colors in addition to black complicate the situation making it difficult to set generic specification limits. Flexible polypropylene (fPP) research is ongoing in this regard. Candidate immersion methods are ultraviolet light exposure, oven aging, and water immersion. Initial testing will be Xenon Arc ultraviolet light exposure per ASTM D4355. Please contact any of the following for comments and/or questions in this regard: Robert M. Koerner - robert.koerner@coe.drexel.edu, George R. Koerner - gkoerner@dca.net, Y. Grace Hsuan - grace.hsuan@coe.drexel.edu

Number One in Africa

The Landfill 2005 programme features the first Mercer Lecture in Africa, "Contribution of Geosynthetics to the Geotechnical Aspects of Waste and Liquid Containment," presented By Dr. J.P. Giroud. To view the abstract, please go to the "continued" link below.

Standards Meeting

During the AWWA Conference in San Francisco, CA., the AWWA Standard M25 Committee on "Flexible-Membrane Covers and Linings for Potable-Water Reservoirs" will be gathering on Wednesday, 14 June 2005. Please contact: Doug Hilts, 951 265 4034, for more information.

On the Same Wavelength

I-CORP INTERNATIONAL, Ocean Ridge, FL, and Apogee Scientific, Littleton, CO, have formed a strategic alliance to provide infrared spectroscopy methane/CO2/CO gas surveys to locate leaks in landfill geomembrane caps, particularly those that do not lend themselves to the conventional electrical leak location survey technology...

IGS South Africa

GIGSA's June 2005 Newsletter is now available. Topics include: Engineered Linings – 21 Years Of Continuous Business; Sans 10409; Kaytech’s SealgridTM; Giroud Mercer Lecture to be delivered at "Landfill 2005," and more…

GeoAmericas 2008 Announcement

The first Pan American geosynthetics conference and exhibition to be held in 2008 in Cancun, Mexico. As the first regional conference organized by IFAI and IGS, GeoAmericas 2008 will promote new applications for geosynthetics, provide a forum for geosynthetics engineering, and serve as the marketplace for the promotion of geosynthetic products in the Americas. The preliminary announcement can be found at the "continued" link below.