Missed TRI's Sold-Out Course in April?

TRI is offering their two one-day courses again in May. CQC/CQA of Geosynthetic Lining Systems and CQC/CQA of GCL and Cover Systems / Drainage Design and Specifications will be tailored to the Savannah River Project, but will include core elements of TRI's routine curriculum associated with geosynthetic materials, specifications and field installation construction quality assurance.

New Forester Publication

Onsite Water Treatment is the first magazine to address residential, industrial, agricultural, and institutional water treatment issues with effective, compliant, cost-saving, and easy-to-implement solutions. Learn more here.;

New Arrival

Daniele Cazzuffi is very happy to announce that Lucia Cazzuffi was born at 15.54, May 7, 2006. Both his wife Susanna and the baby are in good shape and back at home. Lucia's weight is 3,280 kg. Daniele and Susanna's daughter, Anna, and son, Pietro, share in their happiness.

Call for Papers Deadline

The letter of intent and abstract deadline for The North American Geosynthetics Society (NAGS) submission for student papers related to geosynthetics at the NAGS 2005/GRI-19 Joint Conference has been extended to May 31, 2005

TEA-21 and Transportation Projects

TEA-21 expired in September 2003, and since then the nation’s surface transportation systems have been operating under a series of extensions. This has created tremendous uncertainty and is costing Americans jobs and delaying vital transportation projects. The Senate this week approved a manager’s amendment to transportation reauthorization legislation (H.R. 3) that combined various titles of the bill into one bill for final passage. In a victory for increased highway and transit investment, the manager's package included the Grassley/Baucus amendment to increase the overall funding level of the bill. Please contact your Senators and ask them to support the five-year funding level in H.R. 3 by “Voting ‘Yes!’ on H.R. 3, the highway/transit bill, and get the bill done THIS WEEK!” Visit the link below for more information on TEA-21 reauthorization and other priority issues. If you have any questions, contact the government relations department at 202-789-7850 or govwash@asce.org. Learn more here.;

Contrast and Compare

The YarnsandFibers PriceWatch Channel contains price updates of 22 products that can be traced as far back as four years. Compare the prices of two products - see a sample at the "continued" link below. Learn more here.;

Technical Textiles International

Covering Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, the Philippines, Burma, Nepal Indonesia, and Singapore in the upcoming July/August 2005 issue, Technical Textiles International will contain a special feature on the technical textiles industry in these regions. Learn more here.;

Armtec Infrastructure Income Fund Financials

Armtec Infrastructure Income Fund Reports Strong First Quarter Results. Learn more here.;

GSE Financials

Gundle/SLT Environmental, Inc. Announces First Quarter 2005 Results. Learn more here.;

Website – Nilex

Nilex Group is proud to announce that their new website was launched on 22 April 2005.