Buyer’s Guide – International Technical Textiles Industry 2005

The International Technical Textiles Industry 2005 Buyer's Guide is now available. Containing full addresses, fax and phone numbers of over 1500 companies worldwide, the guide also includes email addresses, and sales and production contact names. The guide categorizes the organizations, by country, according to their activities, including machine builders and equipment suppliers, fibre and yarn makers, woven and nonwoven manufacturers, finishers, and testing companies. Companies are also categorized according to the end use of their products: categories include geotextiles, medical textiles, packaging, safety and protection, sports and leisure. The Buyers Guide is available for GBP65 (EUR 98/US $110) and can be ordered online at . SPECIAL OFFER: alternatively, you can receive the Buyers Guide for just #1 if you subscribe today to Technical Textiles International, the only publication covering the technical and industrial uses of textile materials worldwide. Your subscription will include 8 printed issues of the magazine (including next year's Buyers Guide) and, from January 2005, free online access to the publication as well as to back issues. This offer expires on 31 December 2004, so reply as soon as possible to get this great bargain. (Existing subscribers please note the Buyers Guide was included in the October issue of the magazine). Download the International Newsletters Special Offer Order Form by clicking on the "continued" link below.

NAGS Report

2004 NAGS Year-End Report, from NAGS President, Mr. L. David Suits.

Geofilters 2004 Conference Proceedings

Proceedings are available from the Geofilters 2004 Conference held in Stellenbosch, South Africa this past October. The cost is as follows: Euro 60, plus p&p/courier, (R450). Please contact Lesley Stephenson, Continuing Engineering Education, University of the Witwatersrand, PO Box 327, Wits 2050, Gauteng, South Africa. Tel: +27 (0)11 717 7031, Fax: +27 (0) 11 339 7835, or e-mail:

Members of D35

David Jones of Owens Corning will present technical information on the laboratory testing and field performance of fiberglass-based pavement interlayer materials at the upcoming D35.03 Geosynthetics subcommittee meeting in Atlanta in January. The presentation is scheduled for Friday, January 28th from 8:30-9:30 a.m. The fiberglass-polyester based mats are used as waterproofing and reinforcement layers in bituminous overlays of existing pavements. Five years of field performance have demonstrated the efficacy of these materials over a wide range of existing pavements, including both bituminous and Portland cement concrete. Beam Fatigue and other laboratory testing has also been completed utilizing these materials, and those results will be presented as well. Any interested parties are welcome to attend. All ASTM technical committee meetings are open to the public free of charge, so please feel free to pass this information on to any non-members who may have interest. Should you have any questions, please contact Christi Sierk: (610) 832-9728, Learn more here.;

Aquisition Complete

Propex Fabrics Inc., a subsidiary of Propex Fabrics Holdings Inc. (formerly AFFC Holdings, Inc.), announced it has finalized the acquisition of BP's Amoco Fabrics and Fibers subsidiary and its associated assets. Learn more here.;

ICGGE 2004 Conference Report in Real-Time – REPORTS 1, 2, AND 3 NOW IN!!!

Ian Peggs of I-CORP INTERNATIONAL reports real-time from Mumbai, India on ICGGE 2004 taking place from December 8th through 10th, 2004. For the conference report, with pictures, please go to the "continued" link below. For more information about the conference please cut and paste the following link into yor browser:

Award Recipient

Prof Jean Lafleur, President of the Geosynthetic Division of the Canadian Geotechnical Society, presented the Geosynthetic Division Award to Prof. André Rollin for his outstanding technical contribution to the use of Geosynthetics in engineering practice. For a picture, please go to the "continued" link. Learn more here.;

IGS Members

Geotextiles and Geomembranes is now available free in electronic format to IGS members. For directions to activate free access and personal account, please go to the "continued" link below. Learn more here.;

24th IRMI Construction Risk Conference

8-11 November 2004, Orlando, FL. gsa is proud to be a sponsor of the IRMI conference. We will be hosting one of only six Technology Showcases where we, in partnership with gsa Underwriters Cooley, Colbond, Naue Fasertechnik, TRI, Coletanche, Agru, I-CORP INTERNATIONAL, and consultant John Paulson, will introduce our Construction Risk Management Program. To learn more about this program, please go to the "continued" link below.

2005 Specifier's Guide

The 2005 edition of the GFR Specifier's Guide will be published in December. The guide is a comprehensive project resource for companies whose civil and environmental work involves geosynthetic materials at some stage (e.g., slope stability, erosion control, canals and reservoirs, landfills). The Spec Guide connects 20,000 readers with 170 firms (manufacturers, installers, designers, test labs and QA/QC experts), and provides data on roughly 2000 products: geotextiles, geomembranes, geogrids, rolled erosion control products, geocells, geonets, sheet drains, prefabricated vertical drains, pavement edge drains, and geosynthetic clay liners. Subscribe online at the link below and receive the 2005 Specifier's Guide as part of your print subscription, as well as online access to the GFR archives (1999-present). Learn more here.;