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Investor Group Agrees to Purchase BP Fabrics and Fibers Business

AFFC Holdings, Inc., a newly formed company sponsored by an investor group comprised of The Sterling Group, L.P., Genstar Capital, L.P. and Laminar Direct Capital, L.P., today announced it has reached an agreement with a BP company to acquire BP’s Amoco Fabrics and Fibers subsidiary and its associated assets. As with other Sterling, Genstar and Laminar Direct Capital investments, management of the purchased company will also be participating significantly in the ownership of the newly independent organization. AFFC Holdings has not yet selected a name for the business. The transaction is expected to be finalized in the fourth quarter of 2004. Financial details of the transaction are not being disclosed.

$4,650 Fine Issued To Giant Store Contractors

By Jean Snyder, Fulton County News - 10/06/04. The state Department of Environmental Protection held a hearing Tuesday at the county conservation district’s offices and imposed a $4,650 penalty on David H. Martin Excavating for non-compliance issues identified last month at the new Giant Food Store site just south of McConnellsburg off Route 522. According to the local Soil Conservation District’s reports, the Chambersburg excavation company has consistently been in non-compliance with the project’s approved erosion and sedimentation best practices plan during site preparation work for the 50,000 square-foot supermarket. Learn more here.;

Developer Fined for Polluting Lick Creek

By Kevin Carmody, American-Statesman Staff Writer, Tuesday, October 05, 2004 - LCRA say another violation at housing construction site took place after Saturday's rains. The Lower Colorado River Authority has imposed a relatively rare $5,000 fine and threatened identical daily fines on the developer of a Hill Country subdivision whose dam has been deemed responsible for polluting Lick Creek. The penalty, for exceeding pollution limits at the West Cypress Hills development after a mid-September rainstorm, was levied this week. And after heavy rains on Saturday again overwhelmed the additional pollution control measures the developer had installed, LCRA officials said they will fine him the maximum $5,000 a day unless he fixes the problem quickly. Parker said Tuesday that he was confident he could meet the new deadlines. He said he has mobilized a crew of about 30 workers to triple erosion control structures, such as silt fences, and does not plan to challenge the fine. The cost of the corrective work has easily surpassed tens of thousands of dollars, he said. For more information on this article, please contact the American-Statesman at the link below. Learn more here.;

Geosynthetica and Insurance Risk Management

Visit our Insurance Risk Management Project page where you can learn about how gsa is implementing a program to boost the geosynthetics industry.

The Tensar Corporation Acquires North American Green

Strategic partnership of two industry leaders to provide expanded product offerings and support to customers. Atlanta, GA – September 27, 2004 – The Tensar Corporation, the leading U.S. manufacturer of high performance polymeric products, announced the acquisition of North American Green, a premier provider of rolled erosion control products. The closing was finalized September 24…

SI Announces Pending Price Increases

Due to the current economy and soaring raw material prices, SI Geosolutions has announced that they have no choice but to up their prices on their PP erosion control mats and geotextiles. The June, July, and August resin price increases are mainly to blame says SI's VP and GM Hugh McCain. Global Insight industry analysts forecast raw material price increases to rise as high as 15-30% before 2004 is out. Si's price increases of 6-10% will take effect October 18, 2004.

Certification System

CETCO Lining Technologies Group is pleased to announce our new E-Cert GCL MQC/MQA certification system. This new system will allow GCL certification packages to be e-mailed directly by CETCO to anyone responsible for reviewing GCL certification packages on a particular project. The layout of the GCL certification packages will appear different from the packages currently used by CETCO – for an example, please go to the "continued" link below. MQC/MQA test data has been streamlined to report only relevant data. By eliminating irrelevant test data, the certification package will be quicker and easier to review. CETCO manufacturing plants will begin e-mailing this new certification package to each specified project technical contact soon. This direct e-mailing will be performed until such a time as MQC/MQA certification packages are made available on-line via the internet. Customers will then be directed to a CETCO website for retrieval of their certification packages. The website will be secure, where customers through a password/username system will only have access to their specific projects. A set of detailed instructions for the CETCO E-Cert website will be forthcoming. We appreciate your continued interest in CETCO products and look forward to working with you to meet all of your future needs!


Compiled by Andre Rollin, a comprehensive list of papers of over 300 references for GCLs found on Learn more here.;

GMA Members

The "continued" link below contains the Fall 2004 GMA Newsletter. As noted in the newsletter, the next GMA General Assembly will be held in conjunction with GeoFrontiers 2005, Austin, Texas on Monday January 24 from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. All members are encouraged to attend. There will be updates from industry team leaders working on GMA’s new vision and action plan. (See article “GMA Strategic Plan” in attached newsletter.) An announcement with the room location will be sent out as soon as it is finalized. For more information please contact GMA Managing Director, Danette Halloran at or 800-636-5042. Please welcome two new members to GMA: Linear Composites Ltd. Http:// joined July 2004 and Polimeros Derivados S.A. de.CV joined Sept. 2004. Due to the timing of this newsletter, I was not able to include a profile of our new members, as such a description of their companies will be included in the next newsletter scheduled for November 2004. The winter edition will also include a report on activities in GMA Mexico as well reports from the GMA task group chairmen. Please note that GMA members are encouraged to keep their company profiles current. When you register on the site, you will be prompted to insert your IFAI member constituent I.D. this will allow you access to your company profile. If you do not know your constituent I.D. please contact Danette Halloran at or 800-636-5042. Please note that past meeting minutes will be available starting in mid-September on the "Members Only Section" of the Website. - Danette Halloran, Managing Director, Geosynthetic Materials Association.