Attention Manufacturers

The 2005 GFR Specifier's Guide will be assembled soon. Forms for the submission of product data will be mailed within the next two weeks. Electronic versions will be available in PDF and Excel formats. Interested participants who were not in the 2004 Guide but who would like to participate this year should contact to the magazine staff immediately. Product data tables are available for geotextiles, geomembranes, geosynthetic clay liners, geogrids, geocells, geonets, rolled erosion control products, hard armor for erosion control, pavement edge drains, sheet (wall) drains, and prefabricated vertical (wick) drains. Please contact Christopher Kelsey, Editor, GFR Magazine in writing at e-mail, fax +1 651 225 6966. Learn more here.;

gsa Welcomes New Underwriters

geosynthetica is pleased to announce two new additions to our Underwriter family. Please go to to learn about hook and tape suppliers APLIX (headquartered in Charlotte, NC) and to learn about bentonite based waterproofing materials manufacturers Rawell (headquartered in Merseyside, U.K.).

Don't Miss This Opportunity!

0 is pleased to announce that engineer John Paulson and gsa Underwriters Cooley, Colbond, Naue Fasertechnik, TRI, Coletanche, Agru, and I-CORP INTERNATIONAL have all committed to supporting the Insurance Risk Management Program by participating in the Technology Showcase at the IRMI conference. We still have two available spaces! For those who are interested in moving the geosynthetics industry forward, please contact Elizabeth Peggs ( or call 561-655-2060.

Congratulations Welders

8 welders from Solmax (a gsa underwriter) have obtained their IAGI certification. Congratulations go to S. Bissonnette, E. Bourdages, N. Faucher, Y. Faucher, S. Goyette, R. Marques, R. Rheault, and C. Sasseville.

Conference Preliminary Program

International Conference on the Use of Geosynthetics in Soil Reinforcement and Dynamics, Dresden, Germany, 5-8 September 2004. Learn more here.;

Linear Composites LTD (LCL) welcomes Robert Lozano

Linear Composites LTD (LCL) welcomes the recruitment of our first American employee, Robert Lozano. Robert, a geotechnical engineer, originally from Bogotá, Colombia is currently based in South Carolina. Robert is a graduate civil engineer from La Salle University in Bogotá, Colombia. His career in geosynthetics started in 1997 when was recruited by a Colombian distributor of Synthetic Industries (SI) as manager of engineering services. In this company Robert had the chance to participate in several projects using geosynthetics. These ranged from installation of geomembranes in municipal solid waste landfills to the first applications of geosynthetic Turf Reinforcement Mats for erosion control in Colombia. In 1999 Robert was recruited by SI and relocated to Chattanooga TN, USA. Robert served as marketing and technical support for the international division. In this challenging environment he had the opportunity to work on different high profile engineering projects advising on the use of geosynthetics. Additionally, to this Robert worked to develop specifications and plans for different governments. Because of internal changes in SI, Robert transferred to work as the regional engineer for the West coast and Rocky mountains. He had the responsibility to support customers of SI, particularly in relation to soil reinforcement and value engineering proposals for the Departments of transportation in these regions. In early 2003 he joined Xtex, Inc. a manufacturer of high strength geosynthetics, as manager of engineering services with the responsibility for developing and implementing the plan of engineering support for the US market. Robert has written several papers and participates as a lecturer promoting the use of geosynthetics in general. Additionally he has assisted in the development of a number of patents for soil reinforcement products. The first challenge for Robert at LCL is to market PARAGRID and PARALINK in the United States. He will champion these products through the complex approvals process of each US state authority, in order to gain acceptance in as many states as possible. Without these approvals, products cannot be used in government projects. Robert is married to Patricia, a Veterinarian specialized in Exotic and Wild fauna.

Members of ASTM D35.05

Message from Christi Sierk, Staff Manager: At the D35 meeting last week, it was suggested that all members of D35.05 be contacted in regards to related D18.25 activities. Please note that in order to receive D18.25 ballot items that may pertain to your area of interest, you will need to actually apply for D18.25 subcommittee membership. This is the ONLY way to ensure you will receive pertinent ballot items and other information. If you wish to join subcommittee D18.25, please do so on-line at the "continued" link below, or contact me or D18 Staff Manager Bob Morgan [ or (610) 832-9732]. Your expertise is invaluable, and we thank you in advance for your participation. Best Regards, Christi Sierk D35 Staff Manager (610) 832-9728. Learn more here.;

2005 Terzaghi Lecture

In March 2001, J-P. Giroud was invited to give the 2005 Terzaghi Lecture organized every other year by the Technical University of Vienna, Austria. It is an exceptional honor, as it is one of the most prestigious lectures in the field of geotechnical engineering. In 2000, the geotechnical engineering community celebrated the 75th anniversary of the birth of geotechnical engineering (marked by the publication of the first book by Terzaghi in 1925). The celebration included the publication of a Jubilee Volume edited by Professor Brandl of the Technical University of Vienna. Three Past-Presidents of the IGS wrote chapters in this Jubilee Volume, R.J. Bathurst, R.K. Rowe, and J.P. Giroud. The 2005 Terzaghi Lecture will be presented at the opening of the Austrian Geotechnical Conference. This conference typically attracts 300-400 participants from about 20 countries. It will take place in Vienna on 21-22 February 2005. Details can be obtained soon from geosynthetica. The 2005 Terzaghi Lecture will take place on the opening day of the conference (21 February 2005). The title of the lecture will be: “Geosynthetics engineering: successes, failures and lessons learned”. The tentative synopsis is: First, Karl Terzaghi at Mission Dam (now called Terzaghi Dam), his first experience with a “geosynthetic”: a failure and a success. Then, failures and lessons learned. Examples selected to be of interest to large audience and to show the degree of sophistication in geosynthetics engineering. Tentatively: geomembrane cracking pattern, triumph of rational analysis; effect of differential settlement on geosynthetics and the concept of co-energy, original application of mechanics; influence of water on stability of geosynthetics systems, the defeat of common sense. Then, successes and lessons learned. Examples selected to be of interest to large audience. Tentatively: some applications of geosynthetics in dams, the durability of geosynthetics may be better than the durability of traditional materials; geotextile filters, a design success for geosynthetics engineering that could lead to technology transfer toward geotechnical engineering. This will end the lecture on a “terzaghian” note.

The Forensics of Failure

GFR magazine is accepting submissions from now until July 9 for its October issue, the theme of which will be "The Forensics of Failure." Contributions may range from 500-1500 words and include 2-5 visual support items (photographs, drawings, tables, etc.). The column should focus on either an instructive failure (including those with polymeric materials, whether the failure was brought about by design, construction practices, polymer or service life/application); or an instructive success--a design inspired by the understanding gained through other failures. The magazine seeks to show how successful projects and practices are built upon the constant process of refinement in the field, in the lab, on the drawing board, and anywhere else civil and environmental designs are set in motion. Interested writers should submit materials by July 9. Queries and project suggestions are welcomed. Contact: Christopher Kelsey, Editor, GFR magazine, 1801 County Rd. B W., Roseville MN 55113-4061, United States; +1 651 225 6988, fax +1 651 225 6966, e-mail, Web site

ASTM International Supports New Commerce Department Initiative on Standards

ASTM International announced today that it supports the assessment on standards issued by the U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC). Titled Standards and Competitiveness - Coordinating for Results, the new report, issued yesterday, assesses the Commerce Department's activities to reduce standards-related trade barriers and recommends steps to increase the reach and effectiveness of the DOC and other federal agencies' coordination of trade-related standards and conformity assessment. In a press conference on Tuesday, 18 May 2004, Commerce Secretary Donald L. Evans said, "We have good news to tell. The Department has made tangible improvements in how we tackle standards-related issues that can distort trade and undermine the competitiveness of U.S. products. And there are more improvements to come." Affecting an estimated 80% of world trade, standards are critical to manufacturing competitiveness in global markets, as they can facilitate international trade or impede access to foreign markets, the report explains. In March 2003, the Commerce Department announced an eight-point initiative in response to growing concern by U.S. industry, trade associations, and standards development organizations regarding foreign standards development and technical regulation as important trade issues. Over the past year, ASTM International has been involved with this DOC initiative in the form of participation in industry roundtables, identifying priority standards issues in international markets, and commenting on training programs for commercial service officers. James A. Thomas, president of ASTM International, says, "We are pleased that the level of standards awareness has been raised through this initiative. We look forward to implementation of the recommendations in the report." The 50 recommendations contained in the report will help the Commerce Department identify new opportunities and better ways to work with the private sector and other U.S. government agencies on standards-related issues. ASTM International will follow Commerce Secretary Evans' call to review the report and advise the Department of Commerce on priorities for follow-up efforts. The full report, as well as Secretary Evans' news conference remarks, can be accessed at the U.S. Department of Commerce website (or go to the continued link below). Established in 1898, ASTM International provides a global forum for the development and publication of voluntary international consensus standards for materials, products, systems, and services. ASTM International standards are accepted and used in research and development, product testing, quality systems, and commercial transactions around the globe. Learn more here.;