TRI and I-CORP (both gsa underwriters) have jointly formed the TRI-CORP Liner Integrity Center (T-CLIC) to perform research, development, education, and training in matters that contribute to the improved performance of geosynthetic containment systems.

Conwed’s New Identity

Conwed, a maker of netting for a variety of applications, has dropped “Plastics” from its corporate name. It now uses the positioning statement “Global Netting Solutions” to better reflect its expanding product line and distribution network. Among its many industry segments of operation, Conwed produces erosion control netting for environmental reclamation and restoration. It is a member of the Erosion Control Technology Council (ECTC) and the International Association of Geosynthetic Installers (IAGI).

RPP Floating Covers

RPP Floating Covers... I-CORP (a gsa underwriter) reports: An Overview of Cracking.

Changes at Stevens Geomembranes

Sales Manager Tom Gallivan left Stevens Geomembranes mid-March to return to his previous stone/masonry business. Vincent McPartland will assume responsibility for geomembranes.

Company Closing

Atlantic Extrusion Company out of Salem, MA. closed its doors at the end of March.

Forum 2004 Quebec Papers

The papers presented at Forum in Quebec City are available on the Infogeos site. Full texts, both in English and French are available. Learn more here.;

EPI Liner Letter en Espanol

Vol 4 Issue 1 now available in Spanish.

Call-for-(in Progress) Papers for GRI-18 at Geo-Frontiers

After seventeen annual stand-alone conferences we are breaking with tradition by incorporating GRI-18 into the upcoming Geo-Frontiers Conference in Austin, Texas. As we hope you are aware Geo-Frontiers is a joint Geo-Institute/Geosynthetic Materials Association (G-I/GMA) activity set for January 24-26, 2005. Our activity in this regard is to embed GRI-18 into the last day of the main conference, i.e., on Wednesday, January 26, 2005. We plan for something quite new and admittedly bold; let us explain…

TRI/I-CORP Short Course

3-Part Accreditation for the Performance of Liner Integrity Surveys. Photos and review at the link below.

New Employee at Linq

Tony Massaro, formerly of SI Geosolutions, has been hired as the new National Sales Manager for Linq.