ASTM's Proficiency Test Programs

ASTM has five geosynthetics-related Proficiency Testing Programs: Textiles; Polyethylene Plastics Testing; Plastics: Mechanical Properties Testing; Polypropylene Mechanical Properties Testing; and Flammability Plastics Testing Contact Helen Bucci at or call (610) 832-9682 for more info.

Naue Press Release

Weesenstein Railroad Slope Stabilization Project by Naue. Due to the dramatic and devastating floods in 2002 approximately 80% of the infrastructure around Dresden, Germany was destroyed. The rail tracks of the Mueglitztalbahn (Mueglitz Valley Train) near Weesenstein was one of the destroyed connections. The floods had simply washed away the existing railway embankment and the connecting slopes.

GRI GM19 Revised

Just added to, GRI's recently updated GM19 Seam Strength and Related Properties of Thermally Bonded Polyolefin Geomembranes is now available. GRI's revised GM13, GM17 and GM18 have also been updated in geosynthetica's database.


I-CORP INTERNATIONAL has added acoustic equipment to its range of liner leak location technologies. This makes small leaks at steel batten strips on concrete structures and at metal pipe boots much easier locate. Leaks in liners under concrete slabs will also be possible to locate. This acoustic technology complements I-CORPS wide range of leak and flaw detection/location technologies: Conventional applied electric potential technology for water-covered, soil-covered, and exposed geomembrane liners; Streaming potential methodology for GCL- only liners; Infrared analyzer for rapid (>50 acres/day) landfill cap and digester floating cover surveys; Infrared thermography for 100% seam bond strength and internal flaw assessments (no holes cut in seams). Contact for further information. I-CORP is a charter underwriter.

Vector Expansion

Vector Engineering, has expanded its central geotechnical laboratory, which services the mining and solid waste sectors. The major addition involves a new loading system for testing pipe deflection and geomembrane liner puncturing. Vector's lab can now simulate heap heights exceeding 200 meters. Also, Vector has increased the load capactiy of its large scale direct shear apparatuses to 200 psi, almost twice their previous limit. Learn more here.;

GMA Educational Series

A series of brochures is being developed by the Geosynthetic Materials Association (GMA) Water Management Task Group so that the following applications: Canal Liners; Reservoirs/Floating Covers; Irrigation Ponds; Decorative Ponds; and Recreation/Architecture will be introduced to government personnel on all levels of civil and environmental project decision-making and design. Contact Danette Halloran at for more information.

Geosynthetics in Water Management Report from Prague 2003 – Ian Peggs, I-CORP INTERNATIONAL

Sam Allen, TRI and I recently gave a 4 hour workshop Geosynthetics in Water Management at the 6th International Symposium & Exhibition on Environmental Contamination in Central & Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States held in Prague. The workshop was sponsored by The Geosynthetics Materials Association (GMA) and was attended by 200 environmental professionals. In the workshop we addressed 1) Products and Functions 2) Applications 3) Design Considerations 4) Joining and CQA and 5) Testing and Resources. But the most interesting part of the workshop did not come from either Sam or me. The audience posed questions and revealed much more. Some of the questions/comments asked, "These are very interesting materials, why do we not know much more about them?", and " What is your industry doing to market them?!" It is clear we must do more to promote our technology to our potential end-users. After all, how can they use our materials if they are unaware of their existence?

F.L.I. International Limited

F.L.I. International Limited has purchased the assets and business of Solmax Geosynthetique SAS in France, a wholly owned subsidiary of Groupe Solmax. Inc. in Canada, and that the combined businesses will trade as F.L.I. Solmax France, which is the trading name for F.L.I. France SAS, a wholly owned subsidiary of F.L.I. International Limited. The deal was closed on 1 July 2003. Learn more here.;

Recognition Award

Dr. Shobha K. Bhatia, Professor at Syracuse University and NAGS Vice President, was awarded the International Network for Engineering Education & Research (iNEER) Recognition Award on July 23, 2003, in Valencia, Spain. This prestigious award is presented "For Excellence in Fostering Sustained and Unique Collaborations in International Research and Education." The iNEER award is given given to exceptional individuals who advance engineering education and research in regions around the world by working collaboratively with a networking community comprised of educators from academia, industry and government. These individuals elevate the quality of engineering education and the education experience for students who will become the engineers of the 21st century.

Virus Alert

Yet again, the geosynthetics community has been hit with an attack. Learn more about the So Big F Worm.