
The following questions have been asked by one of our readers: "Has anyone experienced the floating of the primary geomembrane of a lining system consisting of a geomembrane/GCL composite primary liner, a geonet leak detection layer, and a geomembrane secondary liner?" Please send comments to info@geosynthetica.net. In a similar vein, "If there is a 3 m head of water on a single HDPE geomembrane liner with no water underneath it the geomembrane will obviously be in intimate contact with the subgrade. But if the groundwater is 0.5 m above the floor of the pond, and there is no leak in the geomembrane, where will the floor geomembrane be?" a) on the subgrade b) floating at 0.5 m or c) elsewhere Comments to info@geosynthetica.net.

ASTM Award of Merit

Robert E. Mackey, senior design engineer and partner with S2L, Maitland, Fla., will be recognized with a 2003 ASTM International Award of Merit and the accompanying title of fellow. He will receive this honor, the highest Society recognition for individual contributions to standards activities, for his exceptional leadership and service to ASTM Committee D35 of Geosynthetics in the development of voluntary standards for the geosynthetics industry and in the dissemination of information related to these standards.

World Highways Introduces New Web Site

The new Web site includes daily industry news, features, keyword searches, an industry index (on-line buyers guide), links to major industry sites, recruitment, much more. Learn more here.;

New IGSPeru Web Site

The IGS has developed a new site for the Peru Chapter. Visit at igsperu.org, or the IGS Newsletter for news and recent happenings. Learn more here.;

NAGS Technical Session

NAGS News… During the CGS Annual Meeting (held in Winnipeg, Manitoba from 28 September - 1 October 2003) NAGS will hold a parallel technical session, hold a student competition, host a workshop on erosion control and hold a special afternoon session for women professionals attending the conference. Go to the IGS Newsletter for more. Learn more here.;

Geotextile-Filter Performance Test

ASTM D6767, Standard Test Method for Pore Size Characteristics of Geotextiles by Capillary Flow Test (2002) is now available. Please click on the link below. The PSD (pore-size distribution) approach is faster than AOS (apparent opening size) approaches and may be appropriate for geotechnical engineers designing drainage systems for roads, retaining walls, dams, and landfills. Learn more here.;

IFAI Board Positions

The Nominating Committee of the Industrial Fabrics Association International is now seeking candidates to be considered for positions on the Board of Directors which expire in October 2003. The following are the available positions: Chairman of the Board (2 yr. term), !st Vice Chairman/Treasurer (2 yr. term), 2nd Vice Chairman (2 yr. term), and Director (3 yr. term). In order to be considered, a candidate must !) be employed by either an Active or Associate member in good standing: 2) submit a writtenm confirmation that he/she wishes to be considered; and, 3) complete an application form and return it to President Stephen M. Warner, CAE, no later than May 30, 2003. The nominating Committee will meet inJune to consider the qualifications of the candidates. The membership will be notified of the committee's recommendation in late June or early July.

ASTM D4595 Inactivity

With apparent inactivity on the updating of ASTM D4595 Test Method for Tensile Properties of Geotextiles by the Wide Width Strip Method, ISO10319 Geotextiles - Wide-Width Tensile Test is being developed. Some feel that this will become the primary standard for wide width strength measurement. Discussions are planned at the June D35 meeting on how to deal with D4595.

Global Market Analysis of Spunbonded Polyester Nonwovens

John R. Starr has released a market analysis titled "World Supply and Demand Outlook for Spunbonded Polyester Nonwovens." World demand is expected to increase by 80,000 tons over the next several years despite the trends towards lighter weight fabrics, according to Starr. The report also has detailed information about the emerging spunbonded polyester medical fabrics market and the established roofing market. Filter media, and other end-use applications are discussed. For more information contact John R. Starr, Naples, FL., (239) 430-1989, e-mail jstarr@johnstarr.com, Web site www.johnstarr.com

South African Standards Name Change

The South African Bureau of Standards (SABS) recently changed its name to Standards South Africa (STANSA). Where previously the documents had been titled SABS XXXX (eg. SABS1234) - this has now changed to SANS 1234. SANS stands for "South African National Standard". Two documents are being developed at the moment: - SANS 1526, Specification for Thermoplastic Sheeting for Use as a Geomembrane ( later this year) - SANS 10409, Code of Practice for Design, Selection and Installation of Geomembranes (to be published early next year) Learn more here.;